Yesterday I discovered this little deer on the edge of the forest, which was hidden in the bushes. But from a slightly elevated position, it was clearly visible.
Reh am Waldrand
Gestern habe ich am Waldrand dieses kleine Reh entdeckt, welches sich im Gebüsch versteckt hatte. Aber von einer etwas erhöhten Position aus, war es gut sichtbar.
Your deer is a black tail according to @justinpeyton. I don’t know deer well, but I’ll trust his word. I saw a fanged deer on some overseas trips years ago. The deer were very short; the height of a medium to large sized dog. Enjoy the pic.
Amazing catch, great photo! I just happen to come across some deer in the bush this weekend as well. There a little tricky to find sometimes but when you do see them, defiantly have to grab a few snaps !
Nice captured. In real life , i never seen a deer personally. No deer in philippines. Someday, i can go to places like this. I would love to see animals like this , Animals that i have not seen before.
What type of deer is that? That reminds me of the “vampire deer” with fangs because of it’s size.
Great pic. Cheers.
I don't know the type of deer, but now I edited it a bit to look more like a "vampire deer" ;)

Yes!!! That’s freaking awesome!
Siberian Musk Deer
Your deer is a black tail according to @justinpeyton. I don’t know deer well, but I’ll trust his word. I saw a fanged deer on some overseas trips years ago. The deer were very short; the height of a medium to large sized dog. Enjoy the pic.
realy mosto beautiful photos
I enjoyed seeing pictures.. thank you for sharing
Blacktail it looks like
Lol can we say it's a vampdeer
I love nature and animals sadly animals like this are hunted from this part of the world ... But anyways nice photos
lol, vampire deer
LOL noooooo the deer is now a bit scary..
wow!nice capturing style
Good photo. It gets lost in the photo if you do not focus your eyes.
I only discovered it because it had moved.
verynice photography
Wow im unteren Bild ist es kaum zu sehen. Ein echtes Tarnreh ^^
Trotzdem ist es gut getarnt!
Amazing catch, great photo! I just happen to come across some deer in the bush this weekend as well. There a little tricky to find sometimes but when you do see them, defiantly have to grab a few snaps !
Nice captured. In real life , i never seen a deer personally. No deer in philippines. Someday, i can go to places like this. I would love to see animals like this , Animals that i have not seen before.
Hey @cryptoriddler,
well, this is obviously little Bambi lookin' for Thumper :)
It's just too cute - thanks for sharing!
Cheerio & happy steeming,
Fanged Deer
Musk and water deer, commonly lumped together as “fanged” or “vampire” deer, have long, sharp canine teeth that even jut out past the lower jaw!

beautiful photo of a beautiful animal! natures natural camouflage!! thank you for sharing