RE: constantshots daily photofeed: closeups
Thats awesome that you didn't let the diagnosis get you down!
Sounds a lot like my story. After I got my MRI, I asked the guy if I could try to do some slacklining to train the stablizing muscles. And he just told me I should figure out how to walk properly agian at some point. And that I will probably get a Arthrodesis at some point in my life (so that the joint cannot move in one dircetion any more). That was a big shock for me at first, but after time and several appointments with different doctors I realized that they all had very different opinions on my fracture. So I ditched the crutches I was using for over a month at that point and just did what I felt was best for me. That helped more than any advice a doctor gave me. And now, with a bit of limitations, I'm able to do all the sport I want again.
I think sometimes we know our own bodies better than anyone else can and if we're sensible and really listen to our body then we can work through many things that is so impressive what you have managed to do, keep on keeping on and stay strong my friend
That is so true!
You don't believe it untill you experienced it yourself.
I wish you the same!
I'm really happy we met here on steem :)
Thanks and glad we have met on here also
Have a great day