Puasa Is ComeBack
In His infinite mercy, Allah has
sent the light of Ramadan to erase the night. He has sent the month of the Qur’an so that He might
elevate us and bring us from our isolation to His nearness.
In His infinite mercy, Allah has
sent the light of Ramadan to erase the night. He has sent the month of the Qur’an so that He might
elevate us and bring us from our isolation to His nearness.
Ya, bulan penuh berkah
mbak @channa nya cantik
Puasa is comeback ta'jil n friend akan tersaji @channa hahaa 😁😁
Salam meuturi ya👍
The word 'Indonesia' was first manufactured in 1850 in the form 'Indu-nesians' by the English traveler and social observer George Samuel Windsor Earl. He was searching for an ethnographic term to describe 'that branch of the Polynesian race inhabiting the Indian Archipelago', or 'the brown races of the Indian Archipelago'.
Author: R.E. Elson