The Deficiency Is Not an Obstacle To Closer To God - Kekurangannya Tidak Menjadi Halangan Untuk Mendekatkan Diri Kepada Allah Swt

in #photography7 years ago

Hi friend steemit all.

Hopefully always healthy and continue to actively share in this social media.

Humans are perfect beings that have been created by Allah SWT. Man is given the mind to see what is good and bad. However, Allah SWT also creates human beings whom we consider less perfect, like the handicapped. But in the presence of Allah, All things are equal. Well here are the photos - photos of those who are short of trying to get closer to him.

In Indonesia

Hai sahabat steemit semua.

Semoga selalu sehat dan terus aktif berbagi di media sosial ini.

Manusia adalah makhluk hidup sempurna yang telah di ciptakan oleh Allah Swt. Manusia diberikan akal agar dapat melihat mana perbuatan yang baik dan buruk. Namun, Allah Swt juga menciptakan manusia yang kita anggap kurang sempurna, seperti orang cacat. Akan tetapi di hadapan Allah Swt semuanya sama . Nah berikut ini foto – foto mereka yang kekurangan yang berusaha mendekatkan diri kepadanya.

Quran Recipients Though Blind - Penghafal Al Qur'an Meskipun Buta


Defect From Birth But The Quran Recipient - Cacat Dari Lahir Tapi Penghafal Al Quran


Despite Disabilities Always Praying Congregation - Meski Cacat Selalu Shalat Berjamaah


Though Unable to move Permanent Prayer Stay - Meskipun Lumpuh Tetap Shalat Berjamaah


Have we come closer to Allah SWT. Hopefully, this article can provide motivation for steemit friends who have not come close to Him.

Greetings to steemit users in Aceh, Indonesia, and the world.

In Indonesia

Sudahkah kita mendekatkan diri kepada Allah Swt. Semoga artikel ini dapat memberikan motivasi bagi sahabat steemit yang belum mendekatkan diri kepada Nya.

Salam utuk pengguna steemit di Aceh, Indonesia, dan dunia.


Assalammualaikum br4ve (28)


Hey bro!

Thanks for your good content. I will be one of your followers! I am building my own blog but for some reason I do not have the espected impact :(

If you have a minute to check out one of my posts: https://stее I will be forever your fan!

Great job br4ve!

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