Picture of the day #2:
Today we have a look at the wonderful “Schwarzatal” in the middle of Germany. It’s one of the most biodiverse and therefore well studied areas of the country. It was declared as a wildlife reserve in 1941, with multiple areas of different protection status. That means some areas, especially clear cuttings are intentionally kept more or less open, as other areas are completely left alone. That ensures a broad range of different types of habitats. What then makes it interesting is the big amount of species listed in the red list, a checklist for endangered species, at rank 1 (endangered by extinction) and 2 (extremely endangered).
The picture was taken on a sunny morning after having rained all the night. So as the sun touches the trees and the water evaporates, forming clouds which are then wandering through the valley.
Have a nice day and I see you later.
Lovely picture
Where Is This Challenge: Here is my recent challenge post. See if you can guess the location and win 0.1 SBD.