Waiting For the Sun to Rise
I'm waiting for the sun to rise to go film outside. It's for my Dragon Age parody products that I'm doing. I'm having so much fun with those. I've got this last one to film. On my face, I have the vallaslin of Falon'Din.
Earlier I was doing a character with a big dress on, so it was a great occasion to wear my wedding dress again, except I managed to get into it myself, but getting out was a different story. Finally I figured it out and sort wiggled it off going inside out and pulling, but for a while there, I thought I'd be stuck in it until Frank got out of bed XD I'll have pictures of that later on (and when I say later on, it's probably after I've slept, so tonight lol).
Update: Sun rose, behind clouds. Cloudy weather is good for filming. It didn't take too long to film. I think a neighbour was laughing lol I must have looked funny. The video does consist of me playing with my hair, and I do have elf ears on with a vallaslin on my face. I'm glad it's done though. It will be a lot of fun to edit these videos.
You look cool!!! Elfs are cool!
Thanks :)
I love elves, they've always fascinated me. I feel like in an alternate universe I'm an elf. I've always been one at heart and relate to elves more and like their lore more than any other race in folklore, myths or fantasy realms.
Cool, I have always been more of a "troll", ha ha, just kidding... Tolkien did leave quite big imprint on me, I love his books...
Not really sure about Elves/Elf people pre-Tolkien? I guess they are mentioned here and there in folklore and old manuscripts...
Tolkien left a big imprint on me too. I've always loved fantasy tales. That's why I love Dragon Age so much. THat's also why I write fantasy mostly. Although, I don'T have elves, but I do have beings with pointy ears who are telepathic.
Cool! So you are a writer! Didn't know!
Sounds suspiciously elvish to me... =)
Hehe they do sound elvish ;)
A tiny bit... =)