flowers in the garden [ Macrophotography ]

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Kali ini saya ingin berbagi beberapa foto bunga..
Bunga merupakan simbol indah sebagai hadiah. Kita bisa menjumpai bunga dimana-dimana. Baik di lingkungan rumah, di taman, bahkan di sekolahpun banyak kita temui.
Banyak orang yang menyukai bunga karena warnanya yang cantik, sehingga membuat orang tertarik melihatnya. Harum baunya, membuat orang yang melihatnya ingin memetiknya.

This time I want to share some photos of flowers,,
Flowers are a beautiful symbol as a gift. We can find flowers everywhere. Both in the home environment, in the park, even in school we meet many.
Many people love flowers because of their beautiful colors, which makes people interested in seeing them. Fragrant smell, make people who see it want to pick it.


Lingkungan yang penuh dengan pemandangan bunga-bunga dan rumput hijau bak permadani, akan memberikan perasaan tenang dan menyenangkan bagi siapapun yang melihatnya.
Setelah mencium harumnya bunga dan kesegaran tanaman hijau mampu membuat perasaan kita jauh lebih enak, dan sejenak meringankan beban yang ada pada diri kita.

The environments are filled with views of the flowers and green grass tub rug, will provide a feeling of calm and pleasant for anyone who saw it.
After the smell of the flowers and the freshness of green plants can make our feelings much more comfortable, and momentarily ease the burden that is on us.

Beberapa Gambar BUNGA yang saya fotokan dihalaman rumah saya, beberapa diantaranya saya masih belum mengetahui namanya....

Some Pictures FLOWER I photographed at my house, some of which I still do not know his name ....

Photo 1

Photo 2. Samarinda

Photo 3

Photo 4. Kamboja

Camera : Nikkon D3200

Category : Macrophotography

Location : Bireuen - Aceh, Indonesia

^^Best Regards From Me^^

Follow and Upvote @balboelai


Photos are simply delightful! I very much love flowers and even itself I grow up them in a garden.

thanks you @marimag
it turns out we have the same hobby

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