30 Day Black & White Photo Challenge Day 4
The ocean stirs the heart, inspires the imagination, and brings eternal joy to the soul.
South Sound, Washington State. Captured with my Samsung Galaxy S6.

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Hmmm awesome view.
Ocean seem so quite.
Blackish shade of clouds and that reflection of tree bless more beauty to the pic.
Great click dear.
It was such a serene day. A perfect meditative atmosphere <3
Thank you :)
The place in Black and White looks so calm and stable. Don't know why these photography reminds me of old days. I am an old soul embedded in a modern body....Nice one!!! Have a great day.
I'm pleased that this photo can invoke memories for you <3 Thanks for sharing that- it made my day :)
You are most welcome 😍💟
I see and feel calm stillness from this photos. As though there is no wind, and not too cold, not too hot, just cloudy and quiet.
You got it perfectly!
My oldest son and I needed to get away from it all. Too much stress. We came here and it was what we needed. All that you said in your comment. Perfect temperature, very still and quiet and perfect for both the quiet contemplation and the refreshing charge we needed <3
Wow. Either my perception of the image was good or the image was that good to convey the atmosphere. Probably a bit of both, but I think mostly the image.
@arbitrarykitten I could pretend to be this Dolphin right now......I don't mind a CAT peck...............
wow, that place looks so secluded, I would love to get a little boat and go for a quick fishing trip for 4 or 5 weeks :D nice photo @arbitrarykitten
For the Sound sound of Seattle, it's surprisingly unused! The boys and I have been there a couple dozen times and never has there been more than one boat. Usually not a soul, though.
wow that sounds like a place that man has forgotten, maybe you should keep it a secret and not tell nobody about it. :D
I didn't enable location for that reason ;)
Amazing photography and beautiful words.
Well said my friend.
Thank you so much ❤
awesome photograph
the mono effect makes it look better and yeah ask the credit goes to your photography skills
I appreciate that :) Happy you enjoy the photo, and glad you stopped by!
i really this one
What a serene moment to capture. I can almost imagine one day, in the early morning hours, a mist of fog floating across. LOVE it!
Cool silence and all in b&w 🖤