The tits drama - A photo story filled with tits

in #photography5 years ago

As I mentioned in my previous post, the photo trip was a success mostly because of all the tits I saw.

This post is made to be a triumph of tits.

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"Oh I wish I could eat some food", thought Greta, the great tit.

"Look at that! It looks like someone left that just for me!"

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"I'm surprised nobody else has found this, it's f**king delicious!"

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"What is this.. my bird sense is tingling", thought Greta and quickly took off.

Bob, the blue tit, had appeared behind Greta. Bob does his best, but he's not too smart and not very good at hiding.

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Bob found himself standing on a branch.
"I wish I had food", he thought, staring at the food.

Bob is not very bright.

"I wish I could be eating right now"

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"Hey I could fly there and eat again!", Bob thought.

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"This is really delicious!", shouted the happy Bob.

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Greta was unhappy.

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Greta was very, VERY unhappy.

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"THIS IS DELICIOUS", shouted Bob with food in his mouth.

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"BLÖÖRGGRÖGÖHÖHÖRGÖH", Bob said. He had drunk too many tequila shots with his friends before flying to look for some food.

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Bob found himself once again standing on a branch.

"Why am I here?", the thought.
"I wish I had food"

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Greta had noticed her time had come.
Bob had been flying everywhere and every now and then stopped to eat.

Bob made no sense.

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Greta had to eat quickly, before tequila-Bob would return.

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So she ate.

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And ate.

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And ate some more.

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"I love food", Greta thought.

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"GIVE ME MY TEQUILAAAA", Bob screamed as he arrived once again.

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For no reason at all, Bob returned to the branch.

"I wish I had food", Bob thought.

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"Jesus Christ, why can't he just leave", Greta thought.

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"I'M A BIRDDDDDD!" Bob screamed when he flew around, trying to eat Greta.

Lucky for us, Greta was smart enough to hide. Bob couldn't find food in front of him, so he most certainly wouldn't find Greta.

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"BRÖHÖÖRÖHRÖGÖH", said Bob when he vomited in the closest bush.

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Greta had realized that she could find food which had fallen down.

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Bob realized that Greta was there.
"Heyy pretty birbbb"

Bob winked his eye at Greta. His breath smelled like vomit.

Greta looked deep in his eyes.
"Am I dead and ended up in hell?"

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Greta got pregnant with Bobs baby. As tits are extremely conservative, Bob and Greta had to marry. Their marriage wasn't a happy one. Bob drank daily and died after 15 years. Greta was left alone with seven children. She was left bitter and never married again.

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