Update on my YouTube/video making stuff.

in #photography7 years ago

So I finally hit 200 subscribers the other day! Lol.. Took forever. Like 2+ years of trying pretty hard.
Some people I'm sure get that much in a single day cause they have a great first video or previous audience to draw from or whatever. But.. It is what it is.

I heard the first 100 was hardest, I think there wasn't much of a difference for me to 200. And I won't really expect it to pick up much till I have like 800-1000. And.. I'm not even that interested in YouTube anymore.. Sick of their censorship, and I want to move to Dtube but I've been SOOOO busy with the IFC contest here on steemit that I haven't had time for much else.

I even have a full movie waiting to be released that just needs some minor edits, and a few other smaller videos that are either almost ready or that I want to do. However.. As much as I love making movies.. I enjoy doing the IFC the most.. And we're in the middle of the first season and I'm swamped, so it's hard to pull away. Maybe when the first season ends I'll try to get my video stuff done. I'm not sure.

Either way, when I am ready I wanna start moving over to Dtube.. YouTube is so corrupt. It's hard to wanna be a part of it. It used to be a major dream of mine to be a YouTuber.. Though now.. I'd rather be an Information Finder Founder. However.. I haven't 100% ruled out YouTube. One of my videos on there, one I did with my father ( @irvinesimages ) is getting up close to 15 thousand views and that's where most of my subscribers are coming from recently..

Eh.. What I'm saying is.. I think that video is going to eventually be pretty big, probably hundreds of thousands or even millions of views some day.. So.. If YouTube is around for a while, I might as well try to tap into that audience as well and even make some money there if possible, though it's ridiculously hard as a small YouTuber who posts stuff that will probably be demonetized or censored or result in blocking my account and deleting it permanently when it gets big enough for the "powers that shouldn't be" to notice.

Which is one reason I don't have a lot of faith. I suppose I could delete all my conspiracy videos that have graphic violence in them, and just be a tame nature photography channel.. But.. I'm not sure I can do that, I think I'd rather get deleted and censored than take down those videos I spent so much time on trying to help raise awareness in the world.
Hopefully YouTube figures their shit out by the time my channel ever gets big enough if it does, or.. I steemit and Dtube really take off and YouTube becomes obsolete like the old dinosaur it is.

Looks like I'm averaging close to 2000 views a month now and around 18,000 total views and 100,000 minutes watched.
I know those are small numbers compared to a lot of people, but.. I think that's awesome that people have watched our videos for over 100,000 minutes! Wow. In time that numbers going to be much higher too. Even if I do nothing and never make a new video again.. Just that Sedona video alone.. Is going to be pretty popular for a long time I think.

So.. I think movie making will always be a part of my life just like photography is, though right now my passion is the IFC contest on steemit, and.. Hopefully some day I get some time to work on my videos again, cause I really enjoy it.. Though in the end.. I think I'll help change the world much more through the IFC contest than with my movies as weird as that might sound.. Movies are an epic way to help change the way people think in mass numbers, though.. I think this game could be bigger than any movie I make, or all of the movies I make.

People love games, and I think it's one step up from a movie cause in a movie you're a passive observer, but in a game you can interact! So.. I definitely have high hopes for the IFC, and hopefully in time I do more with movies as well! :) I especially want to get the movie that I worked on with @soundlegion "Are You Out There? Part 2 Where's Your Line?" out as soon as I possibly can! It's been waiting for like.. Half a year now almost done.. Ugh.. I need to get it done.. But anyways.. I'ma shut up now.. I tend to rant on if I don't stop myself, lol.. Hope you're all doing well out there in steemit land! Peace until next time! :D

Also.. Here's our Sedona movie if anyone would like to check it out that hasn't seen it yet! :)

And here's Are You Out There? Part 1 if you'd like to check that out as well.

PS.. There's some other blogs and music video stuff on my page as well if you wanna look through it.


That's awesome! I love the video Sedona and think the are you out there video is awesome as well

Thanks for the positive feedback friend. :) Glad to hear you liked those videos. Also I'm working on an Apolymask episode for the IFC as well thanks to your inspiration and idea! However.. It's hard finding time for it right now. But.. That is definitely one of the next things on my list when I can get to it! So.. Thanks for the awesome idea and support! :D

I am looking forward to seeing it for sure do i happened across your etymology post on mkultra and can i just say i loved it! I learned a couple new things from reading it there are so many things that make one wonder how far back certain things go...i have been going through my own metamorphosis for a long time and the butterfly has some major symbology...i know this doesn't pertain to this post but it does sort of since its what you're about... teaching and helping others learn!

I don't remember the Mkultra etymology post, lol.. I guess I've done so many I'm forgetting now.
I think I might know which one you're talking about.. Glad you appreciated it though! And you know strangely enough as a sort of synchronicity or coincidence I was just researching some crazy new stuff about mind control right when you sent this.. So that's weird! I'd like to write a post up on it in the not too distant future, it's pretty crazy.. But.. Very fascinating too. Needless to say I just found a list of a bunch of patents for mind control devices.. And it makes me wonder how many people are truly brainwashed in a much more umm.. Technological way than I had previously thought. I thought it was mostly just really good use of language, but.. I think it's more and more likely many people are being brainwashed in a much more advanced scientific sort of sense. And it shouldn't be surprising, the secret government has all kinds of crazy technology.. But it is still kind of surprising just how much information is out there about this kinda stuff in the public domain..

Glad to hear you've been learning and changing, and yeah.. I'm not sure how to apply this knowledge.. But I would like to try to use their own technology against them, or at least try to disrupt what they are doing if the technology is too immoral to utilize. I think stuff like what we're doing at the IFC with helping people to learn important things and think for themselves can help break some of that programming.. Definitely something to continue to think about and work on! Especially if we continue to grow like I hope we do. :) I'd like to help change the world for the better as I think you probably do as well and many if not most people do, and I think this is such an amazing group of people that we might be able to make a significant change! <3 Definitely going to try to make that happen and try to disrupt the powers that shouldn't be's mind control shenanigans.

I would love to read some of what you have found I have been looking into this topic for quite a while and often wonder if this is something that is being done in certain parts of the juvenile systems as well as other things but with no proof its just a theory right! ;)


Oh and here's two of the links I found in my research, I forgot to include them with my response.

Mind controlled beetles power their mind control with their wings.

Whoa.. What the fuck?

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