in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Nugget adalah makanan siap saji yang belakangan ini sangat tenar dan akrab di lidah masyarakat Indonesia, terutama anak-anak. Nugget awalnya berbahan dasar daging ayam fillet, yang diolah sedemikian rupa sehingga terbentuk hasil olahan baru .
Nugget ayam adalah salah satu pangan hasil pengolahan daging ayam yang memiliki cita rasa tertentu, biasanya berwarna kuning keemasan.

Saat ini, nugget ayam menjadi salah satu produk olahan daging ayam yang berkembang pesat.
Nugget ayam adalah produk ayam yang dibentuk dari daging cincang dilapisi tepung roti dan telur, lalu digoreng atau dipanggang.
Makanan siap saji restoran ini biasanya nugget akan digoreng dalam minyak nabati atau minyak kelapa

Saya akan mencoba berbagi cerita pembuatan nugget sederhanaku 😉😊

Pembuatan nuggets Sederhana

Pertama kita siapkan bahan2nya
5buah butir telur
1mie instan
Wortel potong kecil-kecil
Daun bawang iris tipis-tipis Tepung roti


Langkah pembuatan nugget
1.remes mie isntan ,rebus setengah matang lalu angkat dan tiriskan
2.lalu siapkan wadah masukan 4butir telur masukan juga bumbu mie instant tadi kecuali minyaknya jangan dimasukan, tambahkan garam sedikit lalu kocok sampai merata
3.setelah telur dikocok rata masukan wortel ,daun bawang mie instan yang sudah di tiriskan tadi aduk lagi sampai rata
4.masukan ke dalam loyang yamg sudah di olesi minyak sayur
5.siapkan ricecooker yg sudah di isi air ,setelah mendidih masukan adonan tadi kita kukus selama 30menit


6.setelah matang angkat lalu biarkan dulu sebentar smpai asapnya sdh tak terlihat
7.lalu di Tumpahkan ke dalam wadah yg lebih besar lalu potong kotak-kotak menurut selera
8.siapkan tepung roti dan 1buah butir telur ke dalam wadah/piring kecil lalu kocok sampai rata
9.setelah itu lumuri potongan tadi ke dengan telur lalu di gulingkan kedalam tepung roti,sampai tepung rotinya menempel


10.lakukan satu demi satu sampai selesai
11.Siapkan wajah dan minyak goreng panaskan dengan api kecil


12.goreng nugget sampai warnanya berubah agak kecoklatan
13.akhirnya nugget sederhana telah siap di santaapp


English version

Nugget is a fast food that has recently been very popular and familiar on the tongue of Indonesian society, especially children. Nugget originally made from chicken fillet, which is processed in such a way as to form new processed products.
Chicken Nugget is one of the chicken meat processing products that have a certain taste, usually golden yellow.

![Image] ()

Currently, chicken nuggets become one of the fast-growing chicken meat products.Chicken nuggets are chicken products that are made from minced meat and eggs, then fried or roasted.
Fast food this restaurant usually nuggets will be fried in vegetable oil or coconut oil

I will try to share my simple nugget-making story

Simple Nuggets Creation

First we prepare bahan2nya
5 eggs
1mie instant
Carrots cut into small pieces
Leaves thinly sliced ​​onions Flour bread
![Image] ()

Steps to create nuggets
1.remes noodle isntan, boiled half cooked then lift and drain

  1. then prepare the input container 4butir egg input also spice the instant noodles unless the oil is not included, add a little salt and shake until evenly
  2. after the egg shaked average carrot input, the onion noodle instant that has been drained before stir again until flat
    4.take into a baking pan that is already in the basting of vegetable oil
  3. Fill the ricecooker already in the water content, after boiling the input of the dough before we steam for 30 minutes
    ![Image] ()
  1. after ripe lift then leave for a moment smpai asapnya sdh invisible
    7.Lalu in Spill into a larger container then cut the boxes according to taste

  2. Fry bread and 1 eggs into a small container and shake until smooth

  3. after that smear it to the egg and then roll it into the bread, until the potted bread stick
    ![Image] ()

  4. apply one by one until done

  5. Prepare face and cooking oil heat with low heat
    ![Image] ()

12.engeng nugget until the color changed slightly brownish

  1. the end of the simple nugget is ready in santaapp
    ![Image] ()

Hope can be useful Let's try at home may yaa ..
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