Hatred - Mržnja

in #photography7 years ago

Source: Shutterstock

Recently, while reading a book, I came across an interesting thing that I have to share with you.
It's about how big the destructive power of hatred is.
It is written that we were born for good deeds. That means that everything besides that is destructive. So, we can see that every bad feeling negatively effect psychic and physical health.
Professor Elmar Gotest, a psychologist, who examined the effect of a psychiatric state on glands with internal scaling and found that negative feelings that one man can have, can be bad for him.
He claims that in one hour of hatred, a man's organism can produce so much poison that it could kill 80 people.
He classifies that kind of poison under the strongest poisons known to man.
I would define it like this: "Keeping negative feelings inside that we have towards others, is like drinking poison."
Friedrich von Schiller said: "When I hate, I take away something; When I love, I become richer for what I love. Praying is again finding the alienated property - the misanthropy of an extended suicide; egoism is the greatest misery of a single creature. "
It is known that we are perishable goods, but is that the end?
Schiller and common sense show that the choice really exists.
The decision is on us!

Love is a better choice.... (Source: Pixabay)

Nedavno čitajući knjigu, naišla sam na jednu zanimljivost, koju moram da podelim sa vama.
Reč je o tome koliko je ogromna razorna snaga mržnje.
Stoji napisano da smo rodjeni za dobra dela. Što znači da sve što je suprotno od toga je zapravo razorno za nas. S toga možemo da vidimo da sva loša osećanja negativno deluju na naše psihičko i fizičko zdravlje.
Profesor Elmar Gotest, psiholog, ispitivao je uticaj psihičkog stanja na žlezde sa unutrašnjim lučenjem i ustanovio da se negativna osećanja, koja jedan čovek gaji, vrlo nepovoljno odražavaju na njega lično.
On tvrdi da za jedan sat mržnje čovekov organizam proizvede toliko otrova, kojim bi se moglo otrovati80 ljudi. On tu vrstu otrova svrstava medju najjače poznate otrove.
Ja bih to ovako definisala:
"Zadržavajući u sebi negativna osećanja koja gajimo prema drugima, jednako je ispijanju otrova."
Friedrich von Schiller said:
“Kada mrzim, oduzimam sebi nešto; kada volim, postajem bogatiji za ono što volim. Praštanje je ponovno nalaženje otuđene svojine – mizantropija produženo samoubistvo; egoizam najveća bijeda jednog stvorenja.”
Poznato je da smo kvarljiva roba, ali da li je tu kraj?
Schiller i zdrav razum ukazuje na to da izbor ipak postoji.
Odluka je na nama.

Thank you for visiting I hope you enjoyed this post!!
What do you think about this?


There has never been any time that hatred was good. Sometimes, though certain people behave in a manner that is totally unacceptable and one would be tempted to hate. May we receive grace from above to love one another no matter what they do to us.

@maryfavour & @redfishpillar.

I agree with you @maryfavour, in order for us to conquer hatred we have to be filled with love from above!

Sometimes bad people 'behavior, pulling-produce out the worst in us, because every man departs from himself, and than when you give your best and someone do not appreciates that, it produce hate in the moment.

Excellent article, I love this quote: "When I hate, I take away something; When I love, I become richer for what I love."

I also wrote an article about hate a couple of days age, with the example of ex-Yugoslavia, I guess that it might interest you.

Pozdrav! : )

Thank you very much @lifenbeauty, I just read your article and I was blown away. I definetely agree with you. We shouldn't be hating each other!

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. : )

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