day and night and installation of the framework of mild steel.
night is atmosphere into the dark and all the leaving the work that must be completed, although the work not ready but should be left until tomorrow.
when this work must be completed today otherwise finish this day tomorrow contract out me as a job make the roof of the House with steel frame had to leave for the day already a night,
learn while studying the job is very complicated to be the one thing that we go but I learned a very good so that can be a Foreman section installation of the roof of the House with steel frame light,if we already have science we can create what we want
I have to learn about my job, if it has become Foreman, very good looking for work outside area, why did I say like that, because of the work has been studied all what we want on the job.
this is a work of the installation of the framework of mild steel, maybe everyone can install the roof with iron, the origin all know installation is very difficult for people who do not understand the framework of the King of this,