Microlight flight to Rust de Winter Dam
My first cross-county flight with a Microlight to Rust de Winter Dam, what a thrill, everything from up there looks so different and you mind just go off into such a peaceful state. Up there you just forget about your troubles and enjoy the fresh air blowing on you.

We took of 5am in the morning at JAG Air field in Cullinan with and Aquilla microlight and flew to Rust de winter dam, the round trip took up about 1.5 hours, but it felt like a life time, when we landed I smiled from ear to ear, it is a feeling that no words can describe.


and Jonathan spred his wings.... Thank you for this wonderful flight ! I flew with you, here !
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing your lovely photos from a unique perspective. I love watching microlights. Maybe one day I'll fly in one :)