The Portrait of Children in My Village
On the second day in my hometown, I went to the place where I used to spend my childhood time. This place has so much change, but the creek remains the same. Then, I realized I have left my hometown more than twenty years and made me unknown to these kids. Yes, I left my village long before they were born. This remained me when I was at their age, I was used to taking bath in this creek, just like these kid did. Here, I would like to share with you some black and white the portrait of my village children.
These children loved to spend their time in this creek, and I was caught me up with their expressions when they saw I was coming with the camera. I was shocked when one of them asked me
“Who are you?”
This question made me awkward, and I kept spotting on their activity.
“You are really stranger.”
“Okay, little girls, I belong here, and this is my childhood place."
“That’s right. Your parents know me!”
They cared no more while I was busy taking their pictures.
Camera : Nikon D7000
Lens : VR II
Camera : Nikon D7000
Lens : VR II
Good potrait @abduhaawab thanks salam.KSI semoga sukses selalu
This best.moment ketika balek kampung, tentu generasi baru tidak mengenal kita.
Nice bw picture brother.
hehe...pergi ke tempat bermain masa kecil, ketemu anak-anak ini, langsung jadi objek :D
Pokoknya bereh nah, kalau saya mintak photo pakai smartphone, bagini kata anak itu "hana awak-awak awai, hana photo-photo, jino masa kecil kamoe, koen lee masa kecil droeneuh". Hahah..
hahah...ya that gawat biet aneuk miet lawet nyoe, jiteujeut lawan teuh
nice photos and story @abduhawab. it's always nice when you comeback to the place where you were born. there are a lot of pieces of memories in there.
sure thing buddy, i got a lot of things when we returned home...
you are right brother, i know how that feel, full of emotion.
Lihat fotonya teringat masa kecil, kalau jumpa ma anak-anak seperti ini mau buat cerita juga ah kek bang @abduhawab
Sebuah keabadian yang nyata, masa lalu memang selalu enak untuk dikenang, sebuah potret kehidupan yang selalu mengajari kita bagaimana mencintai dan menghargai. Saya kagum dengan segala sisi kehidupan yang bapak punya, cinta, kasih sayang, kehidupan dan selalu mengajari kami bagaimana harusnya bersyukur. Sukses selalu pak @abduhawab hanya sebait do'a yang bisa saya berikan, semoga bapak sekeluarg selalu dalam Rahmatan Lil'alamin
Tampaknya seperti mengenang masa kenangan, luar biasa bg @abduhawab..
Photo potrait emang sangat asik bang.. apa lagi main detail.. hasilnya luar biasa.
Masa kecil emang sangat tidak bisa dilupakan.. walaupun sering berantam malah jadi kenang²an.
Gambar ke 3 sangat menarik bang, banyak pesan tanpa kata yang tak terungkap dari gambar itu. Goodluck sir
Seperti foto jaman dulu, hitam putih, mengenang masa lalu.
Who are you ?
haha....I am a man who used to know