A Few Of The Loads

That I hauled

Communication Building

for FiberOptic Booster Stations
and Cell Phone Towers


AirCraft Tug

for moving the big planes
around the airport



Rock Truck

for mines, Quarries and HighWay Work


They come in all sizes
the one I have is a small one

The Bed from a large one beside me.


A Crate

That needed to be tarped.
(I hated loads than needed tarps)


No idea what was in the crate.
Part of the

Public RestRoom

for a State Park


Working on the

Rail Road

some kinda machine to do it with

oh yeah...I forgot to mention
My Trailer Stretched.


Whoa, that rock truck bed is HUGE! What a comparison to see it next to the "small" one lol I used to work in an electroplating shop and we had some cool jobs sometimes. Aerospace parts for the Canada Arm on the International Space Station from SPAR Aerospace. Lots of airplane parts for Boeing and Bombardier. I did some anodizing on underwater cameras by a company called Amphibico - sometimes I see them in shows on TV where they film under water lol

That is how a truck should look to me, the nose
the pipes the dark colour and big moose bumper lol
The rock collectors are so big, just look at the tire
heigh there next to your rig wow 👍

those truck beds are crazy, it almost seems like they are too big, that extra long trailer is pretty awesome, must suck to back in with it.

actually backing it was pretty easy.
odd thing..the longer they were the easier to back.
the shorter..the harder.
I had hell backing a jeep.

My buddy had a trailer on his wrangler and that thing was pretty squirrelly on the highway.

The scale of some of these machines is enormous! I always wondered how they moved the big coal mining machines around:


You mentioned that you need a lot of experience before you can take the oversized loads. Is there a special driving test with a rating on the license?

I imagine a few sweaty palms and white knuckles on the day of that exam. And I get nervous parallel parking in the city!

Most trucking companies don't trust the government too much.
Although there are specific endorsements on the Commercial Driver's License that are required.
Such as Doubles and Triples
they don't pay too much attention to that.
it's a given...a bare minimium requirement.
mostly it's experience.

How many miles have you driven pulling a flatbed
How many loads have you dropped?
How many insurance claims have you filed?
in your driving career
and by career it's generally ten years minimium
(yes..they do background investigations)

the number of miles required is HIGH
...the number of 'problems' better be LOW
or you don't get hired.

It sounds similar to aviation. I considered diving into a career track as a pilot once, but you've got to start young or there's no point. Mandatory retirement is at 60 (if I remember correctly) and its all based on seniority. Since the best earning years are at the end, there's little chance you'll ever get to touch a commercial airliner if you don't start working in your teens. Since I didn't have the resources to take flying lessons until my mid 20s, it was a hobby only. (Plus I've got this irritating habit of falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon.)

Actually that makes me curious. Have you written anything about handling fatigue on those long hauls?

nope..haven't written anything about it..
oddly enough sleep apnea is the major reason I retired.

East-bound and down!

Wow loaded my feed and your cool rigs popped up
b4 my eyes! Thank you @everittdmickey! That big
rock truck would come in handy for our rock
collecting! lol

3 parking spots wide the TRINITY! whoa, made me
think of the giant silo I passed near Grangeville BC
Canada, it was like the Trinity but big and round, will
look though pics from 4 yrs ago see if I can find it.
The little pick-up next to that big bed is quite the

Restroom and crane is a cool shot, didn't know
those came as one unit. A stretch trailer now that
is cool, how many wheels on the last photo?
Secret tarp load pictures, were those evil tarps in
Calif? I've seen trains hauling trucks but this is a
first I seen a truck hauling a train!

Thank you for showing all these really cool shots!
And for surprising me with Rigs & Follow :-)

Heavy loaded & powerful vehicle...Thanks for see us this type heavy vehicle picture...

That Trinity bucket is ridiculous. Great pics and your truck looks real cool. Do you own it or is that leased to you? The aircraft tug brings back good memories and they are a lot heavier than they look, I'd go to war in one of those things. I worked at East Midlands airport and it is amazing how much torque they generate. In your pics with the low-loader, you have the load in the center and not over the axles, why is this? I though the load went over the axles to stop brakes locking up? I've never seen it done like that before but I have never worked on a trailer that big. Love to see more posts like this, I miss my trucks.

Thank you.
I owned it..tractor and trailer.
The trailer was a stretch lowboy...42 ft in the well...capable of hauling fifty tons.
a low boy can haul a TALLer load than a flatbed.

Lol that dwarfs the trailers we have here. You guys give your kit some cool names too. "A stretch Lowboy" that sounds like a heavy hauler.
That's one cool rig mate and there is nothing like than being at the wheel of a truck. It was the first vehicle I learned to drive :)
Great post mate, keep up the good work.

Wow!!!!!amazing this photographs.....i like this post......all the best......

Big cars brings big profits. I’m sure they are powerful to

LARGE CAR...as we used to say.
500 hp, 18 Speed.
four axels..
the trailer had four axels too.
(thirty tires).
big revenue...big expenses..

😮 wow I’m sure it’s interesting to drive it .

it took practice

Practice is the key to success 😁 hope one day I’ll drive an truck like this .

think about it for a long time before you invest any time or money to become a truck driver.
Robots are taking over the job as we speak.
it takes a LOT of experience to pull heavy haul...and I do not think that newbies will have time to gain it.

The robots will put the 'old timers' out of a job..some of them will move to heavy haul...the rest will find other jobs or retire..

not looking real good for 'new hires'.

You are right. In short time the truck will drive by himself or by an robot . But I think a robot will never be as good as a human is . Man put passion in his work robot never . Have an nice ride and give a horn for me

Nice photography
The truck man😀

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