The grand tour of Macas, Ecuador- The Catholic Church (Photography)
The majority of Ecuadorians consider themselves to be Catholics; It's the center of their culture and lifestyle. I find it so neat that they just adore this little church in the middle of the town of Macas, Ecuador. It's the pride of the town to have such a nice church. People run to and from the church all Sunday long, even in the evenings sometimes.
Even though I am not a Catholic myself, I still respect, and in fact, admire that they have such strong feelings for what they believe. Becuase they are religious they try to live honest lives and to live in harmony with their neighbors. And that I most certainly like and respect.
Today I just took pictures of the outside because they were in service (who knew?) and I didn't want to bother them. I hope to get in there sometime though! I've been in there once and it is beautiful.
This was crafted into the stones by the stairs on the way up to the church.
The ridge that the church faces overlooks the whole town of Macas and has a large statue on top. They call the ridge Kilamo and the virgin on top is called the virgin of Macas. They say that she is always watching and praying over the town.
This is a closer view of it from the steps up to the Church.
And this is what the statue looks like close up. I did not take this picture, though. It comes from this website:
Another glimpse of the town from the stairs.
This picture I did manage to get through the window of the church. This is the backsplash of the main wall. Very well put together.
Well, my fellow steemit friends, that's the Catholic Church of Macas. I hope that you have enjoyed these photos! I need to get some inside pictures of that church really soon! When I do I will post them on my page of course.
Steem on guys!
Very cool to see pictures from Ecuador, my family is from there. I myself was born and living in Holland
Wow! That's really cool! I'm actually from the USA, but I have lived here in Ecuador for a little over 3 years. It's been great. You're a descendant of some awesome people!
How cool that you live there! Haha thanks!