Star Search Results: Your Discoveries

in #photogames7 years ago (edited)

We asked you to help us find amazing photographers on Steemit. Here they are!

Last weekend we played Star Search Saturday, a new game where we asked you to mention new photographers on Steemit who may not know about The Photo Games. The Photo Stars went through your suggestions and voted on their favourites. There were many excellent photographers, and as you can see it was a hard choice for the Photo Star judges and ended with a tie for the first place!

We will be sending out prizes to both the nominators and the nominees soon (the prizes will be split between them), and we hope to see them all playing in the Photo Games in the weeks to come! :D

TIED FOR 1st: @natebillings

Nominated by: @asgarth
Photo Star: @dmytrokorol
Click to profile

TIED FOR 1st: @nathanielwise

Nominated by: @jfolkmann
Photo Star: @yumyumseth
Click to profile

3rd: @willchristiansen

Nominated by: @zirensparvg
Photo Star: @dmytrokorol
Click to profile

4th: @narchuk

Nominated by: @jayclar30
Photo Star: @derekkind
Click to profile

5th: @jfolkmann

Nominated by: @jayclar30
Photo Star: @alevaskye
Click to profile

6th: @sawyn

Nominated by: @fivealive55
Photo Star: @caseygrimley
Click to profile

Awesome photographers, right? Let's all give their blogs a visit!

Now, I know you're all wondering who won the closely-contested Photo Star competition last week! Here are the results!



@jarvie 4
@caseygrimley 4.5
@derekkind 3.5
@dmytrokorol 4.5
@alevaskye 4.5
@sjarvie5 3
@yumyumseth 2.5

It turns out there are no winners! Or, I should say, there is an unprecedented three-way tie!


Just now seeing this, thanks guys! That's good company to be in :)

I was gone on a photo trip when they announced the chose the winners... just now checking it out. Love your stuff!!

Hiya! Thank you @photogames! The link is broken for me, my username is actually @willchristiansen the link has @will.christiansen. Thanks again! :)

Oops, sorry about that! I'll get it fixed right away. :)

Wow !!! thank you for this very pleasure and pleasure in being such a good group !!!

Unfortunately I missed the contest... I would have nominated @photovisions who´s an awesome nature photographer as well! Maybe next time :)

He is awesome! We know of him as well. :)

Discovering new creatives is easily one of my favourite sides to Steemit and posts like this really help. Keep up the great work folks.

Yes indeed! Thanks for stopping by, Dave! :D

Wow, I was surprised to see 2 of my suggestions made the list! : ) Thank you photo stars!!!
I've also found some new photographers to follow too!! : D Awesome game guys!

you certainly have a good eye!
congrats and i'm glad you suggested @narchuk who, as i just checked, definitely has impressive underwater pix
gonna follow him

Thank you!! I think I was just very lucky : )
Oh yes, @narchuk underwater photography is mind blowing!!! He is certainly one to follow. And congratulations on your first win!!

my very first win in photogames! :D
thank you @dmytrokorol for picking my suggestion and to other photo stars for voting @willchristiansen
for all the Star Discoveries written here,
we would definitely wuv to see 'em participate in @photogames
happy to be aware of interesting photogs, more ppl to follow it is!

i noticed the photo link to @willchristiansen isn't working because there is a period between "will" and "christiansen"

Honored to bring up the rear in this lovely group of people ;)

Haha thanks for volunteering ;)
I decided i didnt want to make it a 4 way so i didnt get any points on the last game apparently. Haha

Yep! These guys are worth the follow thats for sure!

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