Ice Out! Or Not...
Sunday afternoon, lured by enticing stretches of open water, we grabbed a canoe and headed out to
After pushing aside icebergs, large and small, we entered a magical world of ice crystal shards.

What looked like a solid sheet of ice from afar, was a floating forest of a million foot long ice crystals.
When we canoed through, the displaced ice pushed up into spike'y ice castles.
Leaving a path of destruction in her wake.
Update: As of this morning (two days later), the warm air finally won out and the army of ice spikes sank to the depths.
Dude! That ice is so cool and pretty! How hard was it to paddle through? Looks like it wouldn't have been a great day for a swim.
It wasn't too tough to paddle through, but it was kind of like paddling through jello- no forward momentum.
Ah right on, somehow that totally makes sense! I wanna go jello swimming.
Did you bite it?
No, we decided not to try the Giardia popsicle.
Weellll look who it is! The ice king!