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RE: Avoiding Banality

in #photofeed6 years ago

I always like to see a bit about a photo - where it was taken is always important to me. And that can be dropped at the end of the photo with the camera stats.

I find writing difficult so I use quotes to create a mood or a theme. Other people's words.

If someone posts just a photo I'm not a fan. Or if they post dozens of photos, I am even less than a fan. Too much is too much sometimes.

I guess it comes down to personal choice. Are you blogging with photos or are you posting your photos like an art gallery - each still needs "something". I don't believe there is a right or wrong....just what works for the individual.


Hey Deb :) Thanks for sharing your opinion!

I think it works quite well with the quotes in your case :)

Yes, there isn't a definitive answer - it all comes down to personal preferences.

Do you get annoyed by too much text?

I visited that person's post who said he didn't think it was necessary to add content. And I looked at a number of his submissions. Beautiful photography but not inviting. Words are warm and an absent of them seems cold somehow.

Steemit isn't an art gallery with an anonymous name pinned on a photo. It's a social interaction platform as well as a place to make some money.

This photographer isn't branding himself. He isn't making much from his attempts - which is too bad bc like I said, he's very talented. If he added something, anything like where the photo was taken or why or something it would provide a conversation starter of some sort.

So I gave this a lot of though can you tell??? :) It was a very good question Dan. A really great one.

I also liked the idea of #noexplanation for a weekly challenge thing. It would be similar to that 7 day black and white one where we just posted a photo without explanation. Remember that one?

Hey, look at you! You are such a detective :)

Steemit isn't an art gallery with an anonymous name pinned on a photo. It's a social interaction platform as well as a place to make some money.

I think this sums up very well what Steemit is at the moment. That might change once we start seeing different apps (like Appics, which was mentioned by @interpidphotos) that are based on Steem. Until then, we gotta write and interact with one another :)

Oh yes, I remember it! Maybe the idea of not explanation got stuck in my subconsciousness back then. By the way, I ended up adding text to all of my photos :)

I am such a detective....ask John. I can figure mysteries out all the time. I really should have been one. :)

I'll have to check out the Appics app.

I like the way you post....keep it that way. It's you. Remember when I wanted to change my name logo and you told me to keep it the same because it was me? It's the same here.


I remember it :) So I am not changing anything!

The Appics app is apparently not out yet; it will be released once the Smart Media Tokens are implemented.

Too much text from you? or from anyone ?

Your posts are perfect. You put just the right amount of text information between photos and if I have a question I can ask - so it's a win/win. You try to engage your viewers which I like.

As for long text? I don't like it. What do I consider long? More than 10 minutes of reading. There are a lot of great posts on Steemit that are long and would do better to break the post up into a series.

But, to answer your question for real....I don't follow people who write too much text or post too many pictures. 😇

I try to engage my viewers and then I spend days replying to their comments 😁 A 10 minutes read is a super long one in my opinion, and I would probably ignore it unless the topics interests me a lot. Did you know that the viewers' attention span is extremely short nowadays? I believe it was something like 10-20 seconds.

Let me ask you another question, do you follow people that post a lot? :) Like 5-6 or more times a day?

Nooooooooooooo. Does that answer your question? lol.

I remember someone asked me about this a while ago - somewho who did post that much and I opined that I thought it was a tough burden to put on their followers. Would he expect them to upvote every one of them, two of them? Or make them have to choose and worrying about offending. So I talked him down to two a day.

Personally, I don't know where people get the time anyhow. I have a hard enough time posting once a day and then replying to comments and then visiting other people's posts. Now that I am curating, it's even harder. Something has to give :)

When I encounter a lot of photos or a long post full of information I tend to skim unless I am interested. And that doesn't happen often on here. So yes, I believe out attention spans are shorter than years ago. Everything is instant. So why wait?

Hey, have you become part of the @curie team already? :) That's awesome! How do you like it so far? How does it work - you find a post that you like and you submit it for curation?

Yes, I don't know either how some people find the time; maybe they are just ultra-productive :) But yeah, anything more than one or two posts per day is too much to follow.

Yup. I am part of the team. I don't know how I got on there bc I think I am not very good at it, but they think I am so that's why I am on their team. It's slow going, tough, and a lot of work to find a diamond - there are a lot of criteria which needs to be met before submitting to a reviewer. I fail half the time 😭but I win half the time too.

It would be interesting to learn more about the criteria, but I guess you are not allowed to talk about that :) If they think you are good, it means that you really are :)

I can tell you the criteria. It's not a secret. Most of it can be found in @curie newsletters. If you have a question about it, I'll try to answer it for you.

You can get info about curie on their @curie posts.....they tell how they work. There aren't any secrets. I've stepped down since last spoke. I did curating for about two months and decided it wasn't a good fit for me.

Thanks Deb, I will check them out :)

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