Another stunning coral reef from the depths of Komodo National Park in Indonesia. I love the diversity and the clarity of the water in this shot, it just looks so idyllic. It's been a while since I've had the opportunity to dive, so hoping the next isn't too far off.
Love this as it is a bucketlist scuba diving location for me and seeing any healthy reef makes my heart happy! Thank you for sharing this and reminding me why we live on the water - to see sights like these! And when we are not in an area where we can dive and snorkel or the reefs are not healthy, we just come here to get our fix!
Love this as it is a bucketlist scuba diving location for me and seeing any healthy reef makes my heart happy! Thank you for sharing this and reminding me why we live on the water - to see sights like these! And when we are not in an area where we can dive and snorkel or the reefs are not healthy, we just come here to get our fix!
Don’t wait too long @hownottosail, these wild and pristine places are becoming harder and harder to find, as you would have seen!