Beauty should be prisoned or unleashed?
Think about a precious beautiful thing you own... should it be free and released, under no control and manipulation... or it should be prisoned, locked and watched with all the effort you have?
sounds crazy?
No it's not... there is a deep misunderstanding of valuable things.
People are looking at precious things, with a control maniac attitude. this may be a psychological and automated reaction for us, to try to keep that valuable thing for ourselves. not to share it with others.
but many beautiful precious things are just born to be free. and the beauty in them, releases when they are released.
look at love, sunset, kindness, clouds etc
why we can't imitate how nature shows off beauty to us?

Central Museum of Jewelry, Nicosia
precious beautiful stones and jewelry, prisoned and guarded
a seducing sunset, Paphos
free to be enjoyed
Life imitates art
art has always been free
well said :)