anak sekolah zaman now

in #photo7 years ago

Inilah model potret siswa zaman sekarang yang menimbulkan dampak yang signifikan. Tak hanya pola berpikir saja, cara pandang serta gaya berpakaian sangat terlihat perbedaan mencolok antara siswa zaman dulu dengan siswa zaman sekarang.

Jika dulu, para murid kesekolah datang dengan pakaian selayaknya murid yang hendak belajar menuntut ilmu. Sedangkan sekarang ini, para murid datang ke sekolah dengan gaya pakaian yang terlihat nyentrik layaknya bintang film, apalagi dipadukan dengan gaya pakaian selayaknya model bintang iklan.

yuk simak potret siswa SMA zaman now,





This is the model of today's student portraits that have a significant impact. Not just the pattern of thinking alone, the way of view and style of dress is very noticeable differences between students of old times with students today.

In the past, the students in school come with the proper clothes of students who want to learn to study. Nowadays, students come to school in clothing style that looks eccentric like a movie star, let alone combined with the style of clothing as the star model of advertising.

see portrait of high school students today,




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