HAHAHAHA I dont mean to laugh but the scorpion pic was genius!!
I know how you feel. Personally, I do not have a phobia.
I can say that confidently because I know and understand what a REAL phobia is and what it looks like.
I feel the word "phobia" gets thrown around so much that it looses the value of how scary and serious it is.
Until recently I would have thought different. But a kid with fear of hights, and a man with hydrophobia really put things in perspective.
good to know you are doing okay tho :D
Thank you for understanding! Yeah, a lot of people who don't have phobias don't understand how overriding terror it is, so if your family members have one, I'm glad you're understanding for them! I used to be hydrophobic as well after nearly drowning when I was really little, and my family had no sympathy at ALL. I say "used to be" though because in high school I went to the swim teacher and explained how afraid I was, but thought maybe if I forced myself to just be in a pool every day I might be a little better, but would I fail if I took it as a gym class and couldn't swim laps? She said no, take the class.
That woman was a SAINT. There were two teachers for swim, and she spent most of the class with me while the other teacher dealt with everyone else. By the end of the semester, I could not only let go of the wall (my goal), but I could swim a little bit and they even (with much coaxing, both teachers and a friend with me, and gripping the wall in terror) got me to go in the deep end just to prove to myself I could.
So I'm still not a swimmer really, but I will go in the pool or reservoir now and have a little fun trying to swim a bit. That's huge to me. :) My mom even commented the last time I went to the reservoir with the family years ago - like "Hey! You're swimming!!" I was like, I know, it's like the patient teacher helped more than the class you forced me to take as a child where they were screaming at me to get in the deep end on day one... LOL,
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