RE: Marxism the Fantasy Joke - Funny
Somehow we drifted away from evaluating evolution to Marxist theory. Evolution doesn’t have to be uniform. Some dinosaurs still existed during the mammal era and even live today. This doesn’t mean we live in a dinosaur era. Sure, some limited number of people still live in hunting and gathering societal formation somewhere in the depth of Amazon, etc. However, their number is negligent compared to the entire earth population. The most of the planet still lives in the transitional period between feudalism and capitalism and a relatively small number of a population live in more advanced societal formations.
As for Marxist theory – the only implementation of this theory existed in Israeli Kibbutz and in similar small communities around the world in the 19h century. Whatever happen in Russian, China and Cuba was not Marxism, but let’s call it Leninism or Stalinism, which are far away from Marxism.
Now you spout bullshit and just proved it is a religion based on a pagan belief system at the same time. Marxist theory was written by Marx and paid for by Engels so he could usurp the throne and become a dictator not descended from Mary Magdalene. Just because an academic priest blessed by our tax dollars says something is true does not change the value from what shoots out of a farting horse's ass