Traveler's encounters: Pseudo-spiritual pesudo-hippies

in #philosophy8 years ago

Of all the people I met while traveling, pseudo-spiritual pseudo-hippies still fascinate me with immeasurable excitement. Those people are the best way to understand how deceiving, manipulating, and misleading people might be… without even understanding it.

My first encounter with a pseudo-spirituality

When I was a kid, my parents had a friend who called himself enormously spiritual. Well, in his defense, he translated all Ayurveda to my native language and also knew the whole book by heart.

That does not mean that he followed that wisdom.

Of course, he also claimed to be a spiritual person, because he once met Dalai Lama, traveled through India, wore old and messy clothes, and had very little money.

I am pausing the story here to talk about money and spirituality. In my opinion, it is the most stupid and short-minded argument ever made by humans to say that spiritual people don’t need (and cannot have) money. That is what lazy pseudo-spirituals say just to cover their laziness.

If money has any correlation with spirituality, living in modern society, then it is – the more money, the more spirituality.

Sadly, but when you have to think about how to get money for your rent and food, there is no time for self-improvement. It might sound a little ignorant, but that’s reality.

Let’s get back to the story. So, that friend would dress like Buddha, talk about higher material… and steal our family’s silver spoons. He would also borrow books and never return them.

Not to mention that our so spiritual friend would just come to our home to eat all the food and get free stuff.

That was the first time when I understood that it is not the talks and looks that determine who you are, but the actions.


San Marcos la Laguna – place of pseudo-spiritual pseudo-hippies

After 10 years I have encountered even more pseudo-spirituals. You see, I visited San Marcos la Laguna in Guatemala, which is known as a hippies town. Yes, there are a lot of hippies there, but this place also attracted all the pseudo people.

One girl from France proudly told us how she was living from her country's social benefits. “And you are not looking for a job, are you?” we asked. “No, I think job chains my soul,” she would reply. After a few minutes discussion about leeching her country, she would only say “I see that you are not yet spiritually ready to understand me.”

So, we were either trash of materialism… Or she was just a lazy girl, who was too pampered to get a job. You make your judgment.

And then we would meet other people, who would proudly walk, claiming that money is the root of evil and the spirit is what matters the most… while staying at the houses of their friends’ and eating their friends’ food. Hint: the house and the food were bought with money.

But oh my goodness, if you would try to tell those pseudo-spirituals something about reality... They would just freak out and call you a materialist, who was ruined by capitalism.

While my girlfriend was working at the bar in San Marcos, one highly respected pseudo-spiritual pseudo-hippie even tried to steal money from Gabriele’s hand, pretending it was a misunderstanding. You wouldn’t believe how amazing it is to see words and reality moving in separate ways. It always surprises me.

That is how I understood that I am a freaking materialist… and I am proud of it. I am a materialist, who will help people in need rather than use others for my own needs. I am a materialist, who will wear clean clothes and smell good rather than disguise my messy laziness with high material sentences. I am a materialist, who will work for his own food rather than claim his deepness of the soul by leeching on others.


So, visiting San Marcos la Laguna reminded me of a very important lesson of life:

Valuate people by their actions and facts, because if you will listen to a beautiful song of a nightingale, while she will be polluting your soul, it is only on you. If you will let the looks of someone deceive your reality, I am sorry for you. Don’t be pragmatic, but also never be soft with pseudo-spirituality, which is only caused by greed and laziness.

For more of my strange work, you can visit my lovely blog on Facebook!

Express your thoughts as nothing makes me happier.

And just have a nice day, my fellow steemians! :)


PS if you don't want the story of my life , just say so I'm doing a post so I will take a while , will get back here after it's finished :) adding this since it's a bit long and a bit controversial to your topic

Greed and lazynes , well I've held a job for half a year before I gave up on all jobs and started scrounging for something to make that would work, site making didn't get my attention since I was already against coding myself , games couldn't cope since I was tired of breaking my bones for no returns and didn't want to go past my "morals" and become a marketer , that seriously gets me annoyed , celebrities from movies for instance , if you've built 5 villages ok, you can be famous , but being celebrated because people like brainwash is somewhere out of my capacity to understand. Then I found out that by one's own effort it's near impossible to make anything, so I had to at least get a minimal income, also I don't like social welfare , always though that is below people, free money for nothing and being treated like cattle , herded around to university or a shitty job, just doesn't fit with my ideas for life, I wanted to earn and deserve what I have , Now i'm considering university , but still have to balance out my "check" , since living without money gets you to be a bit "greedy" after years of people considering you to be sub par , for me the reason would be lack of a strong family, I rarely accept "charity" , or I used to when I felt the pity people were projecting(not without merit) with good intentions, but I was quite proud, then cold winters humble you and you take a coat . Not having food teaches you to grow and appreciate what you have , not having money teaches you to value people rather than things, ad facing the results of bad parenting and bad lifestyle gets you to shut the fuck up and deal with problems, get healthy , understand cause and effect and , finally learn to swim , :D i'm not going to go in how I borrowed a book and gave it away with the thought in mind that someone will read it, i was just thinking about that a few hours ago, anyway , don't be quick to judge, there is enough to go around, life is not all money, people make mistakes that reflect on generations, I have to say I've had a great upbringing, seriously lacking on many fronts , but still it is what it is , you can't have everything you want to and you shouldn't because then you wouldn't appreciate what you do have, I for one would like to live without money, but good luck with that :D everybody likes it , it does scratch a itch, or fix a tooth :D ,

should I redact my post, ? sorry for the rant , if you don't want it here , I'm your guest :) , but that's my take on pseudo spirituality, people need answers and others are too stubborn to accept reality, many people get sidelined, it's the effort and the actions that can change that , currently our system is shit, I make around 50$ a month freelancing pay my internet bills and eat the simplest possible meals and that's it, coffee , so yeah I had the luck of having quality people around me and the potential to make something , still haven't but I would rather learn myself than chase something else , once again rant :D , i'm off something just keeps me steeming, it's not the first time it happens, but definitely I should stop my midnight madness sprees that go on for hours afterwards, nice post I'm working on the same beatle, had to check it out :D , next time call pseudo spiritualists hypocrites maybe they will take that into account.

and once again if you don't want the story of my life , just say so

I love you response and I would never tell you to delete it!
I also totally agree with most of what you have said. I, myself, am struggling with money at this given time, because of my travels. I know what it is like to borrow (and I always give back what I borrow) money.
This post is not about you or your story, though. I will write about that guy who was stealing those silver spoons and books from my house, I will let you know when I do it. You will get a better picture of what I was talking about. I happen to be against hypocrisy and people who claim that money is evil, while spending someone else's money, just does not seem right. People who pretend to be spiritual just to avoid responsibility also makes me wonder if everything is all right with this world.
What you said about not having money is totally true and I feel it. However, you do it all to earn your own income for your own needs. If someone comes to help it is totally fine to accept the help. However, when someone starts to take advantage of other people generosity, I think it is wrong. Where is the line? I think it is subjective, but I bet that we all feel when we cross that line.

Thanks for your great answer! Cheers man, I really enjoyed hearing your story.

The post might be a little controversial, but that brings the best discussions. Getting help is always fine, but it should not be taken for granted or become a lifestyle. Just my opinion. I would prefer someone saying that he/she just wants to rest and be lazy for a couple of months while living out of social welfare than to cover behind spirituality. I have more respect for such people because we all have flaws and I see nothing wrong with it as long as we are not denying.

Personally, I've learned to think of laziness as being okay. Perhaps inaction is a better word.. like for example most managerial / top ranked stuff are usually just paper signers.... (compare this with those who're stuck in shitty dead-end jobs. takes work too, but some folks may call these people "lazy bums" - you get what i mean :) (

Yeah, that is a great point. My one wise friend keeps saying "No money is made using the hands. It is made using the brain".
if someone manages to put himself in a position when signing paper is enough for him to be on top - I respect that person. However, most of the time we do not take into the consideration all the hard work those people did to get where they are. I don't call it laziness. If you have economic freedom with 5 minutes of work per day, I see no point to work more.
People I met was a different thing, though. They were just using everyone around to get things for themselves. On top of that, instead of just agreeing that they are leeching (I like when people are honest and I respect everyone's decision), those pseudo-spirituals would simply talk about higher material stuff.
If one is living in a human's body, one has to take care of that body. Higher material stuff without actions just don't buy me.
Thanks for your input @kevinwong You have a really good point!

Interesting post. While traveling, one encounters many different people. Me, myself traveled by many countries with no money at all, yet managed (by making/selling jewelry, doing street art performances or music shows) to get gas money and food, I even painted murals in different hostels to trade for my stay :D
Traveling without money is possible, the key is to generate some income to cover the expenses of living in this world, that is still using physical money.
Happy and safe travels @writtingamigo

Good to hear that you managed @danilamarilu
I am also traveling with very little of money, so I spent most of my travels, volunteering in different places in exchange for a food and stay. That is totally fine in my eyes! If you can make a deal which is beneficial to everyone, it is perfect.
However, I don't like when people expect things in exchange for nothing. I met so many people like that. I totally agree with you - as long as we are living in this world and staying in a human's body, we have to follow some rules. Even Gods in a human body have to eat something not to die. Going against those rules is not rebel, but more silly.

I like the topic, but don't think people should be required to work. But if you don't want to work, then you shouldn't want any things, because you don't create the circumstances that allow you to obtain those things. Granted there are a lot of nice people who offer stuff if you are nice to them.

I don't know how beneficial judging people for being where they are on their path is though. I guess it will earn you a few STEEM...

Thanks for the reply @jakev

I never tried to say that people have to work. However, if you don't work, you should not just take advantage of others who do. and just pretend that they are not spiritual enough to understand the world. I also agree with the question of nice people who offer the stuff, however, the examples I use were leeching those nice people to the limits. That is not cool. They were also milking their own countries against the law. Not cool as well.

I am not judging, though. You might have misunderstood this. I am only writing about things I have seen. I feel that I should be eligible to write about reality as I see it (I must say that it is not necessarily correct).
As for judging, I think that someone else will have a chance to do it, so I choose not to. We all have our reasons and I am just trying to understand those reasons. So I think it is not judging, but rather observing. :)

No hard feelings here! Cheers!

still you got on some nerves I bet, had to make a post just for you :D , anyway on the financial topic,

I would say that lazy and greedy is on the "rulers" and just people in general welfare produces nothing and is rarely helpful , mostly it keeps people in a pool of their own misery, or it let's them be "free" while still on a leash , It's a shame money are given on no basis at all , It's a vast subject tho and I'm not very read on it , wanted to , but so far it will take a back seat and probably never get done, politics is too much for me at this stage, I would rather have everyone take care of themselves and help each other actively , not passively tax and throw money around , might as well call every country an experiment with different sets of rules, I would say what is done here should be natural and occurring everywhere in communities and fairs, I'm cutting it here since I will go off again :D and would rather save my thinking. brb have a post to finish

quick question is the version 017 implemented and when is it scheduled for

haha, I have no intentions to make anyone angry.
Shortly speaking about the finances, my main rule is that everyone who has no disabilities (we must help disabled ones as a society, no doubts here) should be able to care for themselves. If taking care of yourself requires 10k per month, you should get 10k. If it requires no 10 dollars, you are fine with 10 dollars. If it only requires growing a seed, I am fine if you grow that seed.
The system is not perfect, I agree. Following system will not lead you anywhere, I agree as well. However, we all should require no more than we can afford. Simple.

Sadly, I have no idea about when 017 is coming. I guess it was not yet scheduled, but I might wrong.

You've put it in a great way, i only economists thought like that, some of them are stuck in the mystical , at least it looks like it is that way, hadn't seen many millionare gardeners or planters. For 0.17 I didn't find a date but it should take time and get delayed or whatever since its a hardfork again and some big changes are coming , Thank you once again for your story and your share :) , also the truth in your words and the general notion !

Thank you, an enjoyable read. Especially the financial parts. ;)

I am glad you enjoyed it, @moneymustachman I hope you will never have to feel that financial pain of meeting pseudo-spirituals. It is not as amusing as reading about it haha

What a great posts! Great work. I'll definitely visit the Facebook blog.

Thank you @susanne! You are always welcome at my blog! And I also following you now as it looks like you provide some interesting posts! :) Have a nice day!

Very vivid and real, good writing and a sharp view of reality.
Most of the time when people say they are "out of the system" it means most of the times they have something supporting them from the system.
Isolation from reality is a form of abdication and voluntary servitude.
We will never know what is inside someone 's head, but we can watch the actions of people.

I totally agree with you @charlie777pt
The best way to get our of the system is to have enough power to be independent of the system and anyone else, for that matter. That is why I think it is easier to be spiritual when you have enough economic freedom.
It is another question if that freedom will not corrupt you, but well, life is full of temptations.
As long as you can take care of your own needs, you are fine to go. Making someone else to take care of you, will never make you spiritual. At least that is my opinion based on all the observations.

Great post, @writingamigo. People who use the guise of spirituality to manipulate or judge people are the worst of the worst. Truly spiritual people walk the talk and their actions speak louder than words. We all know when we meet someone who is truly spiritual and it's rare that we ever forget them.

Thank you for your wise words @ericvancewalton
I also prefer to see people' work rather than their words. Everything that we are reflects in reality and our choices. There is nothing wrong to have flaws, but I respect people who embrace those flaws rather than disguise it under spirituality mask.
Yes, I bet that everyone who has ever met a truly spiritual person can easily remember it. For starters, those with high spirituality will never see the need to talk about their spirituality.

Thanks for your thoughts!

You're welcome! Really great post.

Oh yes... The unworthy we who have not yet exterminated our ego and succumbed to the freedom of being a parasite part of the ever growing mooching black mass... I guess we must not be very spiritual!

ha, you got it just right! All this wild capitalism is killing our spirits, my friend.

I enjoyed that you saw through the fictional into the real. We are all in part material and it can not be avoided if we would be human. Nice!

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