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RE: If Something is Done Voluntarily, is it Automatically "No Harm, No Foul"?
Some good points. You mention slavery here as a past event, but that is not something that is only in the past. There are over 1 million slaves presently in the USA.
Sometimes we look at our smartphones and think 'man, we're so advanced!'. Unfortunately, some things are just as barbaric and savage as they've ever been.
Thanks for bringing some of the advances to our attention!
I meant outright overt slavery ;) lol. We have many layers of enslavement from physical to psychological still around. Thanks for the feedback.
I mean outright, overt slavery. Millions of Americans are held in captivity and forced to work under duress. Most are held in government facilities, but many are held in private prisons as well.
Regardless of any justifications supposed to support the captivity and enslavement of Americans, it is indeed overt slavery.
I did not address how taxation is also a form of slavery, or any psychological interpretations, such as wage-slavery, although I agree those are indeed valid infringements.
American laws compel prisoners to work, and that work is clearly and obviously coerced under various overt (and covert as well) threats. While there are token payments made to those slaves, they are clearly but window dressing.
Indeed, payment to slaves does not establish that they are not slaves, as history is replete with slaves being able to purchase their freedom that payment they received for their work enabled.
The payment to American prisoners is far, far less, and completely inadequate to ever be adequate to purchase their freedom, even were such a mechanism legally available. There are however, means of purchasing freedom from such slavery that are available to those who have already got the money to do so, by substituting fines for prison.
Yeah we are coerced into economic survivability as I have called it, because we can't survive freely off the land as we are coerced into paying taxes. The prison system is bad and that is pretty overt with the labor camps. Pay-to-play "justice" system, where the rich can get their way out. If you don't have the dough, in you go. Thanks for the great feedback as usual.
I could not be more grateful for having to have used my brain. That's all you.