RE: The Awakening Series: Truth Is Unprofitable... Unlike Lies And Fears (Part 4)
Earth Custodians only recognize Natural Laws as sole authority as they are the evidence that our Universe is Sentient, Light being the phenomenon by which all the knowledge that exists -- and building blocks of Life are created as well -- is encoded in the DNA of any organism.
This sentence makes no grammatical sense. Historically, natural law refers to the use of reason to analyze human nature to deduce binding rules of moral behavior from nature's or God's creation of reality and mankind. It has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with your belief that the universe is sentient. Light is electromagnetic radiation, which has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with knowledge. And hey, let's toss in DNA because...reasons...
My brain stopped working and I can't make myself look at the rest of this derp.
EC RECOGNIZE Natural Laws emanating from the Sentient Universe as a sole AUTHORITY ... it makes no sense to you since you are an atheist and reject metaphysics. Yes, the Sentient Universe has it own Natural Laws, defined by the Light, and which are immutable. No grammar issue... it is just beyond your head, your brain stopped working... like you said. Back to square 1:
it is not me that you have a problem with but your OWN senseless and futile materialistic atheism. But you are so much in denial that you do not grasp that. It is not me you are after but the Sentient Universe ..... The stance against materialism is 1000s of years old. I am a messenger among the so many throughout history, and they are other organizations spreading the values I defend. I am not inventing anything, and TRUTH will win over as earth and humanity are being destroyed for profits. Facts are today OVERWHELMING.
I understand what natural law and natural rights are. The come from a long tradition of rational thought from Greek philosophy through Roman philosophy, through Middle Ages Christian philosophers, and through enlightenment philosophers. They have a long pedigree of rational thought and logic. And NOWHERE in that long line of thought is any of the CRAP that you call "natural laws". NOWHERE.
How are your profits doing peddling this crap by the way? You seem to have no problem with your materialistic gathering up of evil money. Such a hypocrite.
Humanity is prospering more than ever before in history. W have gone from 99% of population living in absolute poverty down to 8-9% in the last few centuries. THANK YOU CAPITALISM!!!! Reality is calling, it is trying to break your delusion.
Go learn something.
it is all DEBT... almost $300 trillion debt worldwide, so now that makes you a central bank apologist. Money is debt and has always been, because debt for the masses is how some are getting rich.
You cannot find about them because you DO NOT BELIEVE IN THEM, Light is the PRIME CAUSE OF CREATION... LIFE, and therefore all knowledge... how difficult is it to understand that :)
it is not me that you have a problem with but your OWN senseless and futile materialistic atheism. But you are so much in denial that you do not grasp that. It is not me you are after but the Sentient Universe ..... The stance against materialism is 1000s of years old. I am a messenger among the so many throughout history, and they are other organizations spreading the values I defend. I am not inventing anything, and TRUTH will win over as earth and humanity are being destroyed for profits. Facts are today OVERWHELMING.
You have nothing to teach me. And obviously I do not teach you anything. The difference is that I do NOT stalk and harrass you.
I understand what natural law and natural rights are. The come from a long tradition of rational thought from Greek philosophy through Roman philosophy, through Middle Ages Christian philosophers, and through enlightenment philosophers. They have a long pedigree of rational thought and logic. And NOWHERE in that long line of thought is any of the CRAP that you call "natural laws". NOWHERE.
Nowhere because you look into the data offered by the thought cartel suppressing REAL knowledge. But it is out there, obviously, because I find it
Since Light is the prime cause of Creation and thus human thinking, Natural Laws derives from the properties of Light.
it is not me that you have a problem with but your OWN senseless and futile materialistic atheism. But you are so much in denial that you do not grasp that. It is not me you are after but the Sentient Universe ..... The stance against materialism is 1000s of years old. I am a messenger among the so many throughout history, and they are other organizations spreading the values I defend. I am not inventing anything, and TRUTH will win over as earth and humanity are being destroyed for profits. Facts are today OVERWHELMING
Hmm, when was light created? It seems to have been created pretty late...not much of a prime cause of anything...
Light was created some one quarter of a million years after the old big bang. Light missed out on prime creating a whole bucket load of stuff. heheh.
Read more at:
I understand what natural law and natural rights are. The come from a long tradition of rational thought from Greek philosophy through Roman philosophy, through Middle Ages Christian philosophers, and through enlightenment philosophers. They have a long pedigree of rational thought and logic. And NOWHERE in that long line of thought is any of the CRAP that you call "natural laws". NOWHERE.
you are a central bank apologist, on top of being a corporate shill. I have no time for you. You are a lost soul.
You will never find anything about the Natural Laws being the expression of the sentient Universe because it is NOT in the mainstream.... Go down a rabbit hole, do something courageous instead of harassing this account.
Think freemasonry is CRAP?? Too bad you will never know about the secret of the Sentient Universe then.
it is not me that you have a problem with but your OWN senseless and futile materialistic atheism. But you are so much in denial that you do not grasp that. It is not me you are after but the Sentient Universe ..... The stance against materialism is 1000s of years old. I am a messenger among the so many throughout history, and they are other organizations spreading the values I defend. I am not inventing anything, and TRUTH will win over as earth and humanity are being destroyed for profits. Facts are today OVERWHELMING
You are taking the words, "natural law", which has a long and esteemed history and reasoned and logical structure, and trying to steal some of its authority by labeling your woo woo garbage with it. It is fairly despicable, but not above someone who is happy to spout bullshit day after day to get gullible people to send them money.
I understand what natural law and natural rights are. They come from a long tradition of rational thought from Greek philosophy through Roman philosophy, through Middle Ages Christian philosophers, and through Enlightenment philosophers. They have a long pedigree of rational thought and logic. And NOWHERE in that long line of thought is any of the CRAP that you call "natural laws". NOWHERE.

To be clear, you do not teach my readers anything, because they know I am speaking of metaphysics. They all endorse that the unseen drives matter and economics. The moods of the market is a metaphysical phenomenon affecting money. And which economists never speak about because people like you cannot wrap their minds around such an abstraction that is very real ...AND A NATURAL LAW... because it is the metaphysical that drives REALITY AND CONSCIOUSNESS.
It is not because you do NOT get it that it is crap. Just say that you do not agree instead. That would be a sign of wisdom.
Where do emotions come from? Atheism cannot answer that. But it is the RESULT OF ELECTRICITY CIRCULATING IN OUR NEURONS.... hahaha.... HENCE THE UNIVERSE BEING MENTAL AND SENTIENT :) Electricity and, ELECTROmagnetism its by product, are LAWS that are immutable, hence called NATURAL LAWS, which EMOTIONS/THOUGHTS obey due to the electricity passing through our neurons. UNdebunkable, I am afraid.
these laws were known 4000 years ago and essentially by the real elites.Just ask the freemasons today.
it is not me that you have a problem with but your OWN senseless and futile materialistic atheism. But you are so much in denial that you do not grasp that. It is not me you are after but the Sentient Universe ..... The stance against materialism is 1000s of years old. I am a messenger among the so many throughout history, and they are other organizations spreading the values I defend. I am not inventing anything, and TRUTH will win over as earth and humanity are being destroyed for profits. Facts are today OVERWHELMING
In this lecture the History of Biophotons will be presented, from Alexander Gurwitsch in the beginning to Fritz-Albert Popp. Further he explains the correlation from Consciousness to Biophotons.
I AM DONE WITH YOU, there is no debate with an atheist and central bank apologist-shill. You cannot disprove anything I am talking about...LIFE CAME OUT OF THE BLUE?? WELL THEISM BEGS TO DIFFER... THIS BLOG IS MERGING THE PHYSICAL AND METAPHYSICAL WHICH IS THE AXIOM OF A MONEY-FREE SOCIETY
You are taking the words, "natural law", which has a long and esteemed history and reasoned and logical structure, and trying to steal some of its authority by labeling your woo woo garbage with it. It is fairly despicable, but not above someone who is happy to spout bullshit day after day to get gullible people to send them money.
I understand what natural law and natural rights are. They come from a long tradition of rational thought from Greek philosophy through Roman philosophy, through Middle Ages Christian philosophers, and through Enlightenment philosophers. They have a long pedigree of rational thought and logic. And NOWHERE in that long line of thought is any of the CRAP that you call "natural laws". NOWHERE.
To be clear, you do not teach my readers anything, because they know I am speaking of metaphysics. They all endorse that the unseen drives matter and economics. The moods of the market is a metaphysical phenomenon affecting money. And which economists never speak about because people like you cannot wrap their minds around such an abstraction that is very real ...AND A NATURAL LAW... because it is the metaphysical that drives REALITY AND CONSCIOUSNESS.... ANYTHING YOU SAY ON HERE HAS NO EFFECT, WHATSOEVER, ON MY READERSHIP.... YEAH SURE METAPHYSICS IS WOO-WOO AND CRAP... how can a central bank apologist get it? You do not have any philosophical background either, otherwise you'd say that you disagree and bow out GRACEFULLY... your HARASSMENT EXPOSES YOUR OWN IRRATIONALITY AND THE SHAKINESS OF YOUR BELIEFS.
If anyone has read this far, (doubtful) and wants to learn about what is natural law and its history, here is a pretty good place to start:
There you will see what it is, and how it is not about a sentient universe, light creating everything, or earth being your mother.
I couldn't agree more! :-D