Lets dive in world of Political Philosophers....!!!! Plato to Gandhi Series-Introduction.....!!!!!
"Life is a journey and not a destination"
Whoever has said this line, it was true in past, present and will be till end. Centuries changed, at same time with evolution and human thought- humans made journey from caves to palace to parliament and now to space, from hunting- agriculture-manufacturing. In 19th century technology grew at slow pace compared to present. But in 21 st century technology gets changed in span of 4-5 years. AI, Industry 4.0, IOT are on our door step.
As a employee, human beings are working across continent. Globalization of world has removed physical boundaries but at same time we dont know whats happening in our neighborhood? We forgot meaning of life, Happiness. We have assigned a dollar value to all items including life and happiness. We forgot meaning of Justice, what is life? equality? and many more things. How idea of Democracy rose? How state formed? What gives rights to state? Political Philosophers from Aristotle, Plato, Kautilya, Marx, Gandhi have faced same questions and they have tried their best to get answer, But in today's '5.0G' world we just don't care about those questions or work of earlier philosopher.
Michel Sandel faculty at Harvard during his lecture he asks a simple question- ' If you have to spend 40 years of yours or rest of life at some remote place farming alone what would you take with you? answer can be anything from books, movie clips to photo album. In my opinion many of you will think in depth about this question and most of you will realize at such place you will not carry things which will give u short term pleasure but definitely choose things giving higher pleasure. Someone will take work of Plato someone work of Shakespeare.
So why not get started in awesome journey, lets study these philosophers, I will give a small idea how we are going to discuss a philosopher.
- Space and Time - Location of philosopher and time period (ancient, medieval modern) (space- Europe, Indian sub continent ) each philosopher reflects thinking of age.
- Problems in front of them?
- School of thoughts (Socialist, Marxist)
- Influences on them
- Important quotes or statement
- Important contributions
- relevance of their thoughts/work in today's world
- Critics of their work
Do give your valuable thoughts and suggestions, so i can implement them in my upcoming series.
Lets Just rediscover life...! :-) :-)
Nice blog..
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