A Return to the Roaring 20's?

in #philosophy5 years ago (edited)

In 1929, America suffered through The Wall Street Crash and thereafter, The Great Depression. The decade preceding this economic collapse, however, was perhaps the most innovative and prosperous era in our country's history.

Perhaps until now...

I've seen many articles recently claiming that we are entering an era similar to the Roaring 20's (I've seen Steve Bannon proclaim this many times on his Impeachment WarRoom show); a reference to the economic prosperity, cultural dynamism, and technological advancements of the 1920's. Is it possible that we are headed for this type of an era? I think the answer is, yes. However, with our hectic and chaotic lives (because of our jobs and careers), the drag of social media on our minds (our need and reliance on dopamine hits), and our stale and bitter elites reminding us every chance they get about how "bad" things are, I think the better question becomes...will we even recognize and appreciate these glorious times?

Economic Similarities

The 1920's were an era of great economic prosperity and with the end of WWI bringing about the destruction and devastation of much of Europe, the United Sates was there to fill the economic void. The U.S economy grew at a remarkable pace during this decade and and there was plenty of employment for the thousands of soldiers who returned home after WWI . The average income of workers also steadily rose during this era and the stock market spiked.

To contrast this economic growth with our present economy is to realize the similarities between them. The U.S unemployment rate currently sits at 3.5% which is a 50 year low. Wages are also rising for workers in the U.S and the stock market is also at an all-time-high. When considering things from an economic standpoint, there is a resemblance to the good times of the 1920's.

Technological Achievements

The 1920's witnessed many technological advancements, some that improved the lives of people and some, while proving it was an innovative era, were more frivolous. The advancements in the manufacturing of the automobile made life easier and more convenient. Another example was the development of the radio, which allowed for better communication of news and entertainment. Finally, with the invention of penicillin, many lives where saved.

We have come to expect light-speed advancements in our current technological age. From the continued development of the internet and the benefits it brings to our lives (and some potential pitfalls) to the latest smart phones, we expect and demand unrelenting improvements. Cryptocurrencies, too, are beginning to change the way the world views our monetary possibilities. Innovation in this area has challenged the status quo and will continue to bring positive advancements for consumers and peer-to-peer transactions. Of course, our current era has perhaps made the greatest leaps and bounds in the area of scientific research and development (by necessity, in many cases, because of our many bad habits, vices, and environmental toxicity).

Cultural Emptiness

The area where I think the 1920's will greatly dwarf our upcoming decade is culturally. The mindset of the 1920's could be summed up by one word: freedom. There was a new-found exuberance in life and the exhilarating belief that the worst was no behind them. Imagine being alive during the greatest and and perhaps the bloodiest wars in human history ... and living to tell about it! I'm certain those soldiers brought back home with them a sense of invincibility and it permeated throughout the culture and society. Jazz came out of this era and music in general was lively and the creative risks were noticeable. There were authors such as Ezra Pound, Ernest Hemingway, and Langston Hughes. All-in-all, in this era there was a sense of creative liberty and unbridled storytelling that is difficult to rival.

Presently, our culture seems to be robotic and it lacks courage. Many artists seem hesitant to step out of line, say the "wrong" thing, or anger the wrong SJW group for fear of retribution. There is more censorship and thought-control than previous eras so it will take a courageous group of artists to lead the way if we are to have a return to a culturally dynamic artistic state (as many say, politics is down stream from culture).

America has awoken...but do we still sleep?

For many, there is much to be thankful and appreciative of. We must resist the provocations of our elites who prefer we remain miserable, frightful of the future, and at each others throats. Good times are here.

Thank you very much for reading. My goal is to write more in the New Year. Feel free to leave a comment.

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