Giordano Bruno: An Original Rosicrucian Magician

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

One of the most insprirational Heretics of all time. Burned at the stake the 17th of Febuary 1600. Although the Rosicrucian Movement didnt surface until 1615 with the first manifesto Fama Fraterintatis, image

An alchemist named Raphael Egli invited Bruno to Germany to hold a seires of lessons on Aristotelian Terminology.
To conceal his identity Raphael Egli had become underestimated due to his lifetime long list of pseudonyms. Most of his Alchemical and apocryphal writings have not been credited to him since recently and has now been considered the author of about 60 works related to Alchemy. image photo of Bruno turning away as he is shown an image of Jesus Christ on a Cross.

Some say by 1591 the Rosicrucian Movement had already began their recruitment and Egli was an ideal candidate as their leader. Being inspired by Bruno's knowledge
Egli directed later many of the ideas he got associating with Bruno in the Rosicrucian doctrine.

I've done some of my own research and thought how possible it could have been for Giodano Bruno to be somewhat involved wirh the movement and then later i stumbled across an article that most definitely confirms my suspicion.

The article can be found on The Ritman Library's website. Article by Guido del Guidice.

Photo of Giordano Bruno and Bruno Borges, bruno borges disappeared earlier this year leaving behind a large statue of Giordano and his entire room covered in Alchemical code and serveral manuscripts writtenby by hand by Borges himself. image Borges Room

Favorite quotes by Giordano Bruno

There was in me, whatever I was able to do, that which no future century will deny to be mine, that which a victor could have for his own: Not to have feared to die, not to have yielded to any equal in firmness of nature, and to have preferred a courageous death to a noncombatant life.

Perchance you who pronounce my sentence are in greater fear than I who receive it.

If all things are in common among friends, the most precious is Wisdom...

I left out a lit of great details about Giordano Bruno so you might go look him up and find out how great he is and how he has become a great Hero for seekers of occult wisdom.

FRANCES AMELIA YATES was a historian who fucused on the Renaissance wrote a book called Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition. Which i would say is the official book on Giordano Bruno. image


Bruno is an important figure for memory techniques since he tried to use them for magical practices. You can find more abou that in Francis Yates book "The Art of Memory".

Check out my channel for more about memory techniques.

A lot of Bruno's memory palaces are very hard to use and require a strong knowledge of church latin. I only studied classical latin in my school days and find it very different to use books like On the Shadows of Ideas. If you really want to use a vintage memory palace I would recommend Phoenix by Peter of Ravenna.

I created my own memory palace that was based on the ptolemaic tree of life. You can find modern memory books that are way better.

You are right, Bruno was very complex and confusing. I was an active memory athlete for over a decade and used modern memory palaces over and over again. But they have nothing to do with the esoteric approach he chose.

Definitely an important figure. His influence continues on today.

One of the greatest... there's a reason much of his work was never translated to English. As a whole we're still trying to catch up with what he was saying.

The only reason his memory palace stuff wasn't translated to English was because it uses mnemonics that only work in Latin. You can find a lot of his other work such as The Heroic Frenzies, in English very easily.

The great influence of the past may be forgotten today , but history is in the making !

Like Socrates and Jesus, Bruno stood up against the machine, even in the face of death

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