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RE: Of course the rich get richer

in #philosophy6 years ago

As consumers, most of us consume that which is placed in front of us. How dare we not follow a doctor's orders as they perscribe pills that put a bandaid over the wound, even though the side effects may cause damage down the road. How dare we not purchase that item for a child when other children possess that item and our children's focus is now on getting it also. How dare we question the health of our food supply as the industry tells us that it is health for us as they poisoin us. How dare we not back decisions to go to war and not be patriotic. How dare we look for alternative fuels, as modern technology puts these new technologies financially out of reach. How dare we not vote even though the canidates running for office are slime. How dare we not follow the status quo. They attack our senses with every type of media available. Subliminal messages invade our space, as we unconsciously fashion our very being to match their prototypical conceived human. We can not expect, nor must we wait for those at the top of the financial food chain to feel obliged to do what is best for us. Small steps by many will be heard if our actions stop feeding these egocentric creatures. We must first stop DRINKING THE COOLAID.
People may say, what can I do, my hands are tied? That is a poor excuse to continue to allow these egocentric beings to heap indignation upon us.
Do what you can. Do not stay passive and allow yourself to be led down this rabbit hole.


I think we have a chance here where we are not only able to dare but fund the exploration. The more people come across to alternate economic models than the fiat systems, the more value they hold and the more infrastructure that gets built around them which gives it purchasing power in itself. We are then free to choose again our purchasing decisions. I am under no illusion though, most will buy similarly to what they do now.

I agree with your last line. People form habits that are hard to break. that is unless a real alternative is given.

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