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RE: Why is propaganda effective? How does mental corruption take place?

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

Ideologies can sound great on paper and when talking about them.

I think mine sound awful on paper, but are great in reality :D

Propaganda is a very lose term. If I am 100% convinced of something is peddling it not propaganda as well? Ofc the show we see on TV news is really bad, I think we need to make a new worse word for it, "Fake News"maybe ? :D

And yeah critical thinking is a big part of the foundation of my believes and I wish it would be so for everybody. I hate it when people get lost in talking about prominent thinkers that are long dead...

Who needs Sokrates when we have @dwinblood !?


Who needs Sokrates when we have @dwinblood !?

Uhm. Thanks for the compliment. I like to think. I like to treat people with respect. I wouldn't consider myself on par with Socrates. :)

I make a lot of mistakes.

I even made a mistake in trying to explain it to the person that inspired this post. I tried to come across as helpful rather than attacking, and I failed.

So as you see I have a lot to learn. I think I always will.

Every conflict has 2 parties. But I feel like many people want to get upset in discussions so they can use emotions ...

You are very open minded, when it comes to my radical views , welp I guess you have to as an Anarcho-Cap ;)

Speaking of them I would like to discuss an argument wíth you:
We are under absolute surveillance at least potentially and most likely factually. Wouldnt it be smarter to use those controls for good, ie every high official politician should be monitored 24/7 so his people know what he is doing?

Speaking of them I would like to discuss an argument wíth you:
We are under absolute surveillance at least potentially and most likely factually. Wouldnt it be smarter to use those controls for good, ie every high official politician should be monitored 24/7 so his people know what he is doing?

Hehe... there is a science fiction book by John Brunner. It is called "The Shockwave Rider". It is one of my favorites and it was influential on me.

John wrote it after reading Alvin Toffler's book "Future Shock". Alvin was a futurist who tried to predict things in the future.

Much of what he predicted seems accurate now, but John wrote Shockwave rider before this was true. It has a difficult start, but the book is great.

In the end victory is achieved by sharing ALL INFORMATION with everyone. When it came to recorded activities there were no secrets.

I think it would alter the world quite a bit. I myself am not huge on needing my OWN privacy. I am very vocal about people having their right to their own.

Yet, that is because the government tends to use our private lives against us while we cannot peer into their corners to see what they are doing. This leads to further corruption.

So I myself wouldn't have a problem with your idea IF government were to continue to exist. Which I don't see ending anytime soon.

If everything were out in the open it would shake some people up. Some people might initially be embarrassed for some of their interests but, I believe we would learn to own up to who we are.

I am who I am. Like it or don't.

Wow, I thought we would disagree. You pretty much further explained the thoughts I had on this, thanks for writing them down :D

Gotta give Future Shock a try, even tho I hate reading books... well maybe there is an audiobook ^^

Just read the post I just wrote. :)

on it already ;)

I think it's safe to make a distinction between an ideology and a perspective. It is possible to share your perspective without producing propaganda. An ideology is a system of ideas and ideals. Once it becomes a "system," it's an ideology. Of course, you can define that word however you want, but I'm trying to draw a distinction between sharing ideas and trying to propagate ideas.

I see what you mean but I disagree. I am a proud Ideologue.

Every person should have his very own ideology in my opinion and it is ok to promote it. If you start manipulating information with 'evil intention' it becomes Fake News

If I take your definition of Propaganda and add my Fake News one, I would argue.

Propaganda = OK
Fake News = bad


It seems like you're thinking of the word "system" in more individual terms than what I meant. I was thinking of large-scale systems that people subscribe to, buying into a bundle of ideas they haven't bothered to unpack and understand, then ending up under someone's control. If we're talking about systems we create for ourselves, I would agree with you. It's when we push our systems on others that our actions appear as an attack on one's free will.

Yes, we can try to help people by sharing what we've learned, but if they're not asking for help, you can expect resistance or even flat out denial. It is far more effective to respond to requests than to offer answers to people who have not yet discovered the questions. This also reduces the risk of making unintentional assumptions about the person you're trying to help.

was thinking of large-scale systems that people subscribe to without understanding, then end up under someone's control.

signing your believes off to a certain group or massivly shared idea without questioning it makes a person literally retarded. (they effectivly lack part of their brain capacity)

It is far more effective to respond to requests than to offer answers to people who have not yet discovered the questions.

But then I would only answer to posts and never make one :D

But then I would only answer to posts and never make one :D

Making a post is not pushing people to conform to your system. It's simply sharing your perspective with anyone who chooses to read. Anyone who wants to can benefit from your perspective. Anyone who is not interested is free not to read it.

Forceful or extensive pushing of your own agenda is a very bad habbit, I agree. You should always be open minded to change your beliefs.

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