"Only YOU can prevent existential bullshit"

in #philosophy7 years ago

I’m still pretty new to steemit but one thing that seems to be true is that it is not a platform for people who want to be monetarily succesful. More accurately, unless you are willing to sell your soul, never had one to begin with, or were born lucky in one way or another, there is no point acting like there’s any value to this platform beyond generic shitposting. I don’t think I’ll ever make any money off of it, if I do it will be totally by accident. I have zero interest in whoring myself out to businesses or any of that shit. My life is worth more than that. Maybe not objectively, but I figure if I’m temporarily stuck in this worthless body anyways I’m not going to waste my time doing things that aren’t fun. It’s not like I’ll win any sort of award for being all disciplined and whatnot. Well I might, but it won’t be worth anything to me.

It’s the funamental problem with reality, it’s about as anti-meritocratic as you can get. People don’t get to the top because they worked really hard, they get there because they were already ahead of everyone else in some intrinsic way. Maybe they were born rich, maybe they had good genes, maybe their passion just happened to be something that was incredibly profitable. doesn’t matter. Sure hard work can help, but there’s a line where it’s no longer hard work, it’s just lying to yourself.

I wouldn’t be surprised if people classed me as a nihilist, I don’t think that woudld be accurate because I see a lot of subjective value in things while simultaneously recognizing nothing has any objective value. But I’d understand it nonetheless. As far as I’m converned the complete pointlessness of existence is the best thing ever because it means you don’t have to shill yourself out for any gods or moralities or anything that you don’t want to. Life can only be about you and whatever you want.

I’ve slowly noticed over time how incredibly insulting reality is. Not only is there no point to any of this, not only are you here against your will, not only are you stuck in a body that is a glorified skinner box that will torture you if you dare disobey it, not only are there limited resources with which to appease your body that you have to fight for if you don’t want to be tortured, but people spawn in at different times. Which means by the time you get here, there’s a bajillion other people who’ve already had the time to get set up to keep all the resources for themselves and make sure no one else can get them, cutting out all competition. And hey if you weren’t lucky enough to be one of these early adopters, these beta testers, well sucks to be you.

People sometimes say life is a game and if true then its a pay to win MMO. It’s funny because one of the quickest ways to kill your MMO as a company is to make it easy for end game players to gank newbies. Archage was a good example of that. I didn’t play it myself because I’m blind, but from what I found out about it from @spudfuzz it was more or less supposed to be player governed and it quickly turned into a shitshow. Max level was 50 or something but as soon as you hit 30 you were forced into pvp which was nothing but getting ganked by groups of level 50’s that you had no hope of defending against. One of the many reaons I hate leveling systems, it makes game fundamentally unfair. Another one I heard about was Wakfu that suffered the same problem with it’s player driven ecosystem. I actually tried playing it myself because I was like “Hey, it’s tile and turn based, surely I’m not too blind for this!” but no... no I was too blind for this.

A games success is based on fairness, if it’s not fair, the losers don’t want to play it because they know they’ll never be one of the winners, and they leave. When enough people leave, the game collapses because there’s not enough money coming in to afford the severs and maintenance anymore. In real life, the shittiest game, people aren’t allowed to just log out and play something else. They gotta commit suicide, an often painful process as quick and easy means are often not avaliable to the person because all those are cash shop only. So they gota use the ghetto, free-to-play versions which naturally suck. I’m all for assisted suicide, not just for people who are sick but for literally anyone of any age for any reason. Because the only people who should have to live in this shithole are the people who actually want to be here. As a game, real life is essentially minecraft but with no server resets. So sure there WERE lots of possibilities and places to build in the beginning. But after several thousand years of uptime all that shit’s gone. Now if you wanna build something you’d better get permission from the land owner and hope they give it to you. Minecraft server resets are the best argument against intelligent design. Because fuck, if we could figure it out, how retarded would a god have to be to be both capable of bulding a universe while too stupid to not put in an easy ability to log out and save progress and whatnot. The only other option is that if there is a god, which I doubt, they’re a sadistic asshole that only a worthless coward with no self respect would want watching over them let alone worshipping them for doing it. Which kinda makes me hope there is one, so I can enjoy torturing them.

Like I said, I see subjective value in things, one of those things is the fact that other people also see subjective value in things. I don’t want to force my values onto another person, I would much rather they be allowed to express theirs in ways that won’t affect anyone else. If that’s not posible, I would like them to have an easy logout option if they want it. If they have both of those things but still insist on bothering other people because they think they’re “right”, I’d like to be there to do the same thing back to them. Surely, if they have no problem forcing their opinions on others, they won’t mind getting the same thing in return… Unless they’re a hypocritical retard of course.

I suppose I do have one thing that I think should be the universal goal of humanity, even though I also recognize its really just my goal. Everyone should be working towards the creation of the means for every individual person to live completely freely without needing anyone or anything else. As far as I’m concerned anyone who’s not doing that is the enemy of humanity and should be treated as such. They hold themselves and everyone else back from living freely by not contributing, even if it’s just a little bit. All those “little bits” can add up, so might as well catch them before they do.

It’s something that drives all the work I do. I think if someone’s entire reasoning doing anything is “I just wanna make money and live comfortably” that person is a worthless piece of shit. We’re not isolated from each other, everything everyone does ripples out and affects everyone else. Therefore, your thoughts, beliefs and actions absolutely are everyone elses business. Either you have the right ones, or you leave. Willingly or unwillingly, I don’t care which.

Naturally this gets into a debate of what the “right” ones are which I think there is no objective answer to. Like I said, I recognize that the stuff above is just my own subjective opinion. But I doubt many sane people would be against the idea of other people building them things, for free, to help them live more independantly. The most common concepts of good and evil are completely selfish and self centered. A stereotypical “good” person is someone who gives of themselves freely for the benefit of others. Well of course people would label that as good and like people like that, they’re getting free shit out of it. Who’s gonna turn down free shit, especially if its shit that you want? No one, that’s who. That’s why that’s the most common definition of good. I personally think a good person is someone who is living in accordance to their own whims, regardless of what those whims are, even if it’s something that goes directly against my own interests. I can’t help but respect people who do that, especially if they’re very skilled. Because it means they’re putting in the effort.

The resource grind of life is what spawned dishonesty, it made it necessary. Other people had things that you needed to make the pain stop, but you lacked the power to take it from them by force. So you had to convince them that it was somehow in their best interest to give you things. Generally resulting in some sort of transaction. But a transacrion means both parties have to give something, and wouldn’t it be nice if it was only one way? So the deception arms race was on to figure out who could lie to who better to get what they wanted. Over time this developed into such bullshit as morality and, gag, politeness, in a race to figure out how to make dumb people give you free shit. Obvious strategies emerged such as creating more dumb people, the dumber the better. and making sure they had less and less resources of their own, ideally none at all, so they were forced to become dependant on you for everything.

Politeness is just lying with a smile. If you are saying something other than what you genuinely think or feel, you’re lying. If you are being polite to someone because you want them or don’t want them to do a certain thing, then you are manipulating them for personal gain. This is baked into the very fabric of our lives and no one should be surprised that at the highest levels of society the lies and selfishness are the strongest. Of course it is, how else could it have turned out? Those with the most power have the most freedom because no one else has the power to stop them. They have what everyone else needs or wants. As a result those people also have the luxury of honesty, they don’t need to be polite to you, they don’t need to pay lip service to your petty, small minded “morality”. They’ve got the power, not you, so you bow to them.

I really like honesty, even though it is seldom the best policy. People say they like honest people, but if that were true people wouldn’t be begging everyone to lie to them all the time, oh I’m sorry, “be polite” to them, and get offended when they’re not. The truth hurts, and the fundmental drive of everything with a nervous system is to avoid pain and seek pleasure. Despite that I still prefer honesty, I prefer when people tell me what they really think and if I’m making a mistake on something to just tell me what it is and how to fix it. Maybe because I’m not so pathetic that I allow mere words, internet words no less, to injure me. Although I also recognize that assholes with power have the capability to fuck me over on a whim, those people I wouldn’t mind lying to I suppose, depends on the situation. I suppose what I mean by honesty is honesty with myself, not necessarily everyone else. Which is what I alluded to at the top, crossing the line from hard work to self deception.

I figure the problem with all this is just resources. Not just physical things, but knowledge too. That’s why I do what I do, I want more for myself, and I want to remove any legitimate incentive from others to try to take my shit by just giving it out for free in the first place. I doubt I’ll have any real impact on the world by doing this, well, unless the magic I’ve been working on finally clicks, then I’d probably be remembered forever. But no idea when or if that’s gonna happen despite the annoyingly good progress I’ve been making on it. Maybe I’ll talk about that later. I planned on doing a post about all the actual lab research being done into things like mediumship, survival of consciousness, psychokinesis and the like and how all of it certainly seems to be a thing. But that’s for another post.

I suppose I should wrap up this incredibly low quality, zero value shitpost that I will make no money on because, of course, that is the only real reason anyone posts anything to steemit, right? So make sure to prove me wrong by resteeming, upvoting, commenting, giving me all your life savings, etc, etc. Or don’t, I don’t care. You’re adults, I’m sure you can figure out your own shit.

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