Very controversial, the writings on the chain

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

There are some people at Steemit who trade in controversy and their near entire approach is inflammatory and designed to provoke and polarise the audience. Some do it successfully whereas many attempts are heavy-handed and quite poor. Rather than sounding like a clever and skilled antagonist, they come across as a boorish ignoramus, uneducated and thoughtless.

I am quite careful in my approach at Steemit and tend to stay away from controversy as I seem to be aware of the permanency of my words and their connection to me. Here, you don't know me, we don't have the same relationship we would have in the walking world and as such, your trust and willingness to listen to me are much lower.

In the world of breathing however, I do not shy away from controversial topics, there are no boundaries to where I will go in conversation but, I am sensitive to the people with which I speak. I do not push too hard too early and can recognise when it is time to release pressure or when I can take it further.

On top of this, when questions or arguments do arise, I am able to add context and background information on the fly to explain a position or reduce barriers to going deeper, or back-track if necessary. The process I use allows a conversation, even in a small group to advance quite far and into what many would even regard dangerous or inappropriate regions considering the audience.

Things are only inappropriate when the content does not fit the frame, but if the framework is developed well first, all topics can be discussed openly. In basic terms, a frame of trust, respect and curiosity can go a long way to broaching any topic.

This is something I am unable to develop in each article though. For some that read my work regularly, they may come across concepts they do not agree with but with a depth of understanding of where I am coming from, they can trust my intentions, respect the attempt and consider what I have to say. Consideration is not acceptance and they may disagree wholeheartedly. But, knowing this, wait for the next article or two before turning away completely.

For the casual reader however, this will likely not happen unless they are quite open-minded by nature. There are fewer of these than are claimed in my experience. This means that if faced with controversy and no relationship is yet developed, they will turn away. This is not what I want as they are likely the ones that may benefit the most from thinking wider.

People turn away from what they disagree with often before they have even heard the full argument and much before they have taken the time to consider it well. This is one area I am trying to improve, both in myself and in those I discuss as if we can learn to openly listen and consider, we will likely remove much of the conflict and misunderstanding that we face day to day at both micro personal and macro international levels.

The other issue I hinted at before is the permanence of the blockchain and society's tendency to hold a grudge and attach thoughts, words and actions to a person indefinitely. Although I am not likely to ever be a president of a country (even though I would be brilliant), my words here could haunt me even if my views have changed. Nothing is ever forgotten.

This also will have a more immediate effect on support and rewards where some people have an idea that 'you are only as good as your last article'. This, in my opinion, is nonsense and those that think this way and push this concept forward should take some time to think a little more deeply upon what it means.

I tend to see this as a coach may see a football player, one bad game doesn't mean being cut from the team, not even a terrible game. A series of such though will result in changes in support, training and potentially pay scale. The highest paid sports stars in the world are not infallible in their actions, they are just consistently very, very good and the mistakes do not bring down their average much.

The problem I face though is I like to provoke thoughts in others and have new views bounced back. I like to look at areas that are uncomfortable and at times horrible to think about. The like is not pleasure in watching others get uncomfortable or just to poke a stick in their ribs or a pin in their ideas. The like is that I feel that it brings value in time by clearing away misconceptions, assumptions, blockages and fears to a whole range of areas.

Controversy is only such due to lack of understanding. Once suitable understanding has been built, the controversial nature of a topic falls away and some form of acceptance takes place until eventually, it is a relatively rote topic of discussion like the weather. Well, maybe not all become small talk topics.

I see great benefit in open discourse and dialogue across topics that challenge us as a community, society, country, religion, race or over whatever arguments exist between groups or individuals. Most of the world problems, whether religious conflicts, environmental concerns or political positions can be facilitated by open discussion.

But, open discussion cannot be had without people open to it so, I am going to on occasion start posting some more controversial topics at times. At least some that interest me. I am not asking for you to upvote, share or even comment upon them but, hopefully you will understand my position and trust that I am trying my limited best to make the world in which we all live, somehow better. This is always my goal.

If we aren't willing to think about or discuss what troubles us, how do we expect to improve any situation?

[ a Steemit original ]

Hopefully, I can approach these topics with enough thoughtfulness that the provocation is not too intense and it will be enjoyable for all. Having said that, in this day and age people seem to be triggered very easily by many things they are yet to spend the time to really understand and I cannot take responsibility for anyone else's emotional state. That is up to the individual. Peace.


Well then, you go ahead and bring it on. Thanks for the forwarn. I would love to hear about it and hopefully I will be somewhat capable of a decent discussion on your future topics. Have a great day. Aloha!

Everyone can join in. The simpler the better, I am a no genius....

Did someone say genius? I think I know a guy.

I'm generally careful on Steemit too - on my blog I don't give a toss and post anything I want, but here it takes a long time to get established, so I think of it as an investment, and tread carefully.

I'm already seeing enough flagging to make me wary, and there are certain subjects that I won't touch with a 10 foot pole.

I like to see other people post controversial stuff though!

I am not planning on ripping anything apart completely and burning it all down, or even criticise too heavily. I just would like to get some thoughts out there and perhaps people thinking where they normally don't. It helps me clear up my own confusions :)

I am pretty sure that 4 out of those 5 whales should upvote me at 100 though. The fifth, I will settle for 80.

The bit that worries me is annoying whales by posting things they don't want to see exposed - so there are a few subjects I avoid even mentioning.

It's not too big a problem, because for the most part I think whales have invested their money so they are entitled to redistribute it as they see fit.

And the other controversies - although I have been flagged a few times, mostly the flaggers are only minnows like me

I can't wait to find out what is on your list of controversial topics. :)

It definitely takes a careful and considered choice of words these days to start a discussion on many different subjects since so many of us are defensive and dismissive to information that challenges our current view of ourselves and the world. We all think that WE have the answers but it takes someone with a very specific mindset to understand that perhaps we aren't even aware of the right questions to ask.

I look forward to seeing how you broach these subjects as this is something I feel I have difficulty with myself. :[)

I think that you are one of the ones with a mind that questions and is curious.

I am not even sure myself what will come up or where it will lead and don't plan on only having such posts. But, hopefully it gives me and others a larger playing field.

Well done again on your recent activities.

Thanks mate. And good luck to you in your future posts. There are many people talking about the things I'm sure you intend to discuss but I am confident you will be able to approach the subjects in a more thoughtful and subtle way.

Hope everything is good in Funland! :[)

But, open discussion cannot be had without people open to it so, I am going to on occasion start posting some more controversial topics at times. At least some that interest me. I am not asking for you to upvote, share or even comment upon them but, hopefully you will understand my position and trust that I am trying my limited best to make the world in which we all live, somehow better. This is always my goal.

I celebrate and applaud you this new initiative big time mate!! ¿Who said fear? ¿From whom and by whom? Let's sculpt the blockchain with pure Works Of Art!! }:)

I just would like to get some thoughts out there and perhaps people thinking where they normally don't.

Then, as for build and develop frameworks of controversy. And sit down to watch and enjoy the drought of comments. ¡I couldn't help but feel alluded to in this article! LoL

There is a debate forum being organized by @son-of-satire that you may be interested in joining.

I do disagree that all "controversies" can be resolved. Man lives with certain fundamental assumptions regarding this world, which can neither be proven nor disproven. Certain assumptions such as existence of God, extension of personhood to animals or fetus, existence of objective moral truths, etc. are not amenable to compromise or resolution. I disagree with many of your perceptions regarding our world and your prescription for it, but I can empathize and understand your reasons for your conclusions. For me, the exercise of engaging contrary ideas and assumptions is not to convince the other, but to expand my own understanding and reexamine my assumptions more carefully.

Hi again :)

I don't think I said that controversies necessarily have a solution, I said that with understanding, the controversial nature of a topic drops away and it becomes a basic topic to discuss. Controversy is generally discussed at a highly emotional level which rarely gives room for quality discourse.

I am glad you disagree with me. At least that is a position.

Hi you lost me at the 2cond bird pic
Thanx for your effort

fair enough.

cheap thrills are always flashy :D

Hy @tarazkp I really ejoyed your writing style as it is very fun and easy to follow along.voted & followed wish you the same .I tried some poetry hope you like it Takecare🌻

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