The Half-life of Us

in #philosophy7 years ago

Half-life (symbol t1⁄2) is the time required for a quantity to reduce to half its initial value.

I figure that I am now middle aged, the point where the probability of me living another period of life as long as the one that I have is relatively high. Of course, disease and busses can have an impact on likelihoods.

So far in this life, I have squandered a lot of time doing nothing of consequence but over the last few years, I have been upping my game by putting in effort levels that I should have put in much, much earlier in my past. I am trying to make up for lost ground.

It hasn't all been wasted though as a lot of my history has provided a huge amount of mental material that I am able to utilise for all kinds of purposes to support me going forward. You read a lot of it here.

There is a concept that the longer something has lived, the longer it will live in the future but, this really only applies to concepts themselves. Things like the wheel where the longer it has been around in one of its numerous forms, the longer it will be around. Living things do not have this luxury.

But, I was thinking about some of these little musings today and considering them in a relationship with skills, even though the maths is irrelevant. When it comes to learning, there is a massive asymmetry as some things can be learned very quickly but will never be forgotten.

It took me fifteen minutes to learn to ride a bike and even though I haven't owned a bike in twenty five years, I can still ride one if needs be. But, I am never going to be an Olympic athlete riding for a chance at gold. That is for the professionals.

When it comes to valuable skills, it is those that are difficult to get that will hold their worth the longest and to be competitive in them with others, it is the people who continually grind away until they outperform competitors. There is an attrition rate when it comes to talent which means there is a decaying rate on those unable to survive the grind.

I am not much of a competitor in relationship to others, I am more of a facilitator of others skills but, perhaps this is a competition in and of itself. For me to have value, I need to be able to add value and that means the development of facets of my skillset that allow for this to happen. I need to keep pushing at the boundaries to find new ways to improve.

There are some skills that will become harder and harder to maintain moving forward, like the physical aspects but, there are others that can continually develop until the end, like the mental parts. At the point one stops developing, the decay starts. When it comes to the information required to be able to adapt to the changing environment, the decay rate is very fast indeed for things that are technological in nature as the rate of development makes a lot of past learning obsolete.

What I mean by this is that some things learned are more valuable than others on the time scale as some are kinds of meta concepts that cover the minor. For example, having the process of being a lifelong learner is meta but, what is learned is minor. One can learn anything under the umbrella of the lifelong learning tag. Are there people still trying to improve the capacity of 5 1⁄4 inch floppy disks or have they moved on?

People often forget this when learning and instead spend their time focusing on the milestones of their learning even if the reasons to continue have decayed. There may be personal value in learning something but expecting value return on that from the environment is insensitive if it has no value to the environment itself. This doesn't mean that it won't garner support but, expecting it to gather support is naive.

But, in the long-term view of things, the skills that have the most value in the environment are those that are both difficult to get and provide growth value for the greater organism. Remember though, value is not necessarily financial.

Bill Gates has and has added a massive amount of material value to this world and Gandhi added a huge amount of intangible value. Is one better than the other? Not really until you look at it through the filter of individual opinion based on personal experience. One might value the material, one might value the social, it is not for me to really judge your values as you are you and I cannot be you. This probably won't stop me though.

This decay is also for services too and in a rapidly expanding market like cryptocurrency and all supporting aspects, what has value today might be valueless almost tomorrow and, I don't just mean like Bitconnect.

The speed of development means that much of what is commonplace will be quickly replaced by technologies that are in or have not even started development yet. Volatility and uncertainty is high in all aspects of the market and those who are continually pushing the boundaries of their learning and offerings, are the ones who are most likely going to survive the grind.

When it comes to people's blogs here I have noticed some people complaining about a drop in support. Some didn't realise Streemian and Autovoter type things were having issues. But, what was most interesting was that their content hadn't really developed much in the time they had been here, they seem to have become reliant on the auto-votes and 'trusted' support and complacent in their offering without an evolution that considers the changing environment.

I see this as failing in the grind as their comfort level has reached a point where they no longer try to improve. The decay has started and at some point in the not too distant future, their irrelevancy will be complete and they will be replaced by more current flavours of information.

Some people here offer may give Trade Analysis and enjoy massive support but at some point, they will get caught out and replaced by technology that is more accurate or proves them false. Others may offer fiction stories or lessons on life, science, entertainment, humor or any number of things but, no matter how successful now, they will all eventually be replaced as those that support them find higher quality content as the site develops and attracts the Olympians in their fields.

What this indicates to me is that for me to continue to be relevant and useful, I need to provide two core types of information in the short term. Firstly, things of practical value that can be applied now for improved results in the short-term and secondly, things that are of long-term value that can be built upon.

The feedback loop for each is very different though and for an attention starved society, the short-term often takes precedents. This means that shortsightedness is prevalent without a bigger long-term goal to direct it. From a community perspective, I see this as small gains not at the cost of future stability, spending every cent without thinking of retirement.

For those that are looking only short, the attrition rate is going to be very high indeed as the ups and downs and swings of the grinder will destroy many. For those who are not community orientated, eventually the grinder will get to them too as the track record will be immutable and at some point, the just desserts will come to crush them to mince.

They say that the person who will live to 150 has already been born and no, it isn't likely to be me or anyone reading this but, the same concept is true here. It is possible that the ones who will really empower Steem and push it to its maximum potential, are minnow or not even onboarded yet. But, just like that child who will live close to two centuries, we should be thinking about what environment we are creating for them and what opportunities will maximise their potential.

For those on the platform looking long, we need to think about this and develop it into a garden where many can survive and thrive. For those looking short and polluting the space, we need to limit the damage they can do and flush them from the system to stop their decay from spreading.

Is this harsh, is the unforgiving grinder of experience unfair? What kind of doctor do you want operating on you or your child, one who has invested themselves to keep learning and improving or one who decided that the information they learned thirty years ago was good enough?

What services do you want to use, what cars do you want to drive, what books do you want to read? The evolution of the marketplace is prone to market forces, especially at a place like Steemit and at some point, what was popular is gone and replaced by the next version. How long until what you offer is replaced? Are you looking to increase its life or has the decay already started and is unrecoverable?

[ a Steemit original ]

This is a whole range of ideas grouped together and many parts need to be expanded upon. This is kind of how my mind works as it skips from point to point, one idea to the next and I struggle to control the skips and beats and hold on to what I had clearly in mind just a moment ago. But, there is often value that can be extracted from spilled thoughts when they are later reflected upon, so I take notes and revisit often to see if there is something I can use now, or build upon for the future. Hopefully, there is something of value in here for you to do the same too.


I believe that most of the people aged over 25 are trying to make up for lost ground, myself included.

It took me a couple of days to learn to ride a bike and I haven't owned a bike in ten years. I think I would fall of the one very quickly after trying to ride again. Learning is a very individual process. : )

The need to improve on Steemit in order to keep the same position is double:

  1. As with everything else with in the world, the average quality is increasing, and you need to (at least) keep up with this increase.
  2. Unlike some traditional occupations and hobbies, Steemit is also growing exponentially in quantity, thus you also have to put in more efforts to stand out.

Cheers! : )

I agree, when I was young, time had little value. As I have gotten older, time, has become one of the most valued things.
I now even contemplate how long I should meditate, based on what all I want to achieve that day.
It is like the old saying goes: Youth is wasted on the young :)

The same stuff with meditation happens to me too. : )

People forget to factor in the increases of other's skills or the future volumes that will pressure them. Yes, keeping up with the average is the bare minimum.

Thanks for dropping by and commenting well :)

An excellent post, sir.

I agree with what you say, and even feel hiatus occurring now and then in my own posts. ( now, for example).

As someone who has never written fiction (or anything else, to be honest) or engaged in social communities like steemit -it can also be seen as years of improvement and learning, ahead of you.
As you hone your skills (or find them, in my case), you improve on what you have to offer.

By doing so , you stay connected to what is important within the community..
It still comes down to grinding it out - but like you, I am making up for 'lost time' .

And maybe that is motivation in itself to stay focused, stay relevant - and not 'allow' the decay...?

As you hone your skills (or find them, in my case), you improve on what you have to offer.

There is only ever good enough in the moment, the next moment has a chance to be a better good enough.

Reaching middle age is a gift, though i look at my dad and i realize it takes only a few years to make 60years of age. We never used to interact, guess i wasted sometime somewhere. I believe aging becomes faster (not really but people's feeling about it)from about 33 years.

It speeds up the further from the starting point based on percentage. 1 year to a 10 year old is 10% of a lifetime, 1 year to a 100 yr old is only 1%. The mind plays tricks which makes time relative. The feel of the body is another thing ;)

I so much appreciate that systematic analysis of fact. Truly, the time lost can be regained by adding value and getting value in return. Good thought @tarazkp

I guess in the ever expanding market, everyone needs to adapt or improve one way or another or be left behind. The challenging part here is figuring out which skills and experiences can take you far and the process of improving isn't exactly linear. With the speed at the world is growing, keeping up is arduous but not impossible.

To keep pushing boundaries and to keep breaking highs seems daunting but if that's the only way to survive, make it, and succeed then I guess that's what we all should aim for.

Anyway, really great read here very profound and insightful. I had to read it twice to understand it fully honestly.

To keep pushing boundaries and to keep breaking highs seems daunting but if that's the only way to survive, make it, and succeed then I guess that's what we all should aim for.

Even in failure, this is a lot more fun than status quo

Yeah, better to die trying than live in mediocrity I guess.

But failure stings especially when the will and hard work is there

ONE Story needs to end so that another can begun !! And we all are brought to life again !!

I aint getting old so I cant understand your situation! But i can spread some positivity here !

I need to keep pushing at the boundaries to find new ways to improve.

That’s right!! There is alwaya a scope to improve no matter how food you are.

People often forget this when learning and instead spend their time focusing on the milestones of their learning even if the reasons to continue have decayed.

I can relate to this. I always wanted to be a singer and learnt classical for 5 years. Everyone told me that it won’t work but I didn’t listen. One day, I realised that I should try other things !! And look here I am, much better, happier and helpful through my words.

we are all aging, like it or not and even though life may end, the movements we make live on, though we do not.

The signature is much nicer :)

Yes we all are aging but some are getting old, and some are getting young 😃

Thanks for the idea😁 This signature looks sophisticated. Hehe

So much to learn all in just one post.

As a young man still in my mid twenties one of the most important point I picked from is that we should have to action plan. One, for what Will be useful today, and one for will sustain me in the future. This is an age of rapid change and what is not ready to evolve with each moment get wiped away. Thank-you @tarazkp. Enjoy the day.

Wow, you really hit a lot of good points for discussion in your post. I'll focus on what really struck me.

It is possible that the ones who will really empower Steem and push it to its maximum potential, are minnow or not even onboarded yet.

Knowing how successful you are in Steemit, it's so encouraging to hear from you that you believe the future of this platform lies in the "new ones." Or, better yet, perhaps a collaboration between the veterans and the newbies. Without supportive users such as yourself, I'm sure it would be very difficult for this platform to improve.

In the same vein, your post also encouraged me to really just keep persevering and giving it my 101%. When "support" is low -- less views, less upvotes, less comments -- that shouldn't deter me from trying again. It would hurt, especially after I have spent so much time creating a quality post, but it shouldn't stop me.

I try learning from every mistake I make. I look at how others have been successful, and I learn from them. As you said, this can be a "competition" but I think we all just have to aspire to improve each and every time so as not to decay.

Personally, perseverance is what I think Steemit is instilling in everyone. I'm pretty sure everyone started from the bottom. And it is perseverance which will make the others rise from the rest.

It would hurt, especially after I have spent so much time creating a quality post, but it shouldn't stop me.

It should not stop you, especially if you believe in the content you produce for the long term. This is the grind and I and many others have been through the grinder also. Not many seem to survive it.

Yes, the grind is what will set those who didn't give up from those who did.

Just to let you know, your thoughts are very profound and it was so refreshing for me to see a real quality post in my feed. And I see that a lot of people really read and discussed it.

That would be the goal... That one day, I'll also be able to do the same (not just for my own sake but for the whole Steemit community as well).

I really look forward to reading what you have to say. Some of the first posts I read from you were about travel or other awesome stuff, but your philosophy posts have grabbed my attention in a way other posts haven't. Probably because other posts aren't deep, and I like deep thoughts sometimes. Like this. vvv

Of course, disease and buses can have an impact on likelihoods.

I'm not middle aged yet, but I can already notice areas where I wanted to be further along. I feel like I'm behind, but in some areas, I won't be able to get ahead. Like you said, things change. I have to adapt, and sometimes that means adjusting to what you can manage.

It's a little different direction than I think you were going, but the end result is still the same. If you want to provide value, you have to be aware of your environment, you have to adapt, and you can't assume that people will celebrate you just because you show up. You also have to work at it.

Thanks for your "spilled thoughts." They're fun to parse through, for me at least.

Feel how time poses to see how we are changing and that physically we have only this life, but we must learn to live it in quality anesthetics that is over ...

That's right, a vote of yours would be very gratifying for me

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