Painted into a corner

in #philosophy7 years ago

I have been posting quite often for about 10 months now and it is likely a large reason why I do not have large auto-voters as they would get drained too heavily, but it is also a catch-22 situation as if I stop posting as regularly, they are unlikely to change their current voting behaviours on me. I have painted myself into a corner.

I am pretty open with my journey here as I am not a person to bullshit in real life either, so I thought I would explain my posting behaviour a little. But for those that can't make it through, Don't post too regularly if you want to stick around long-term.

When I joined it was for financial reasons as my daughter was ill and the treatment costs stripped everything we had plus our savings away. I was desperate. After the 3 month mark at Steemit and after about 100 posts (~1 per day) I had 109 followers and had hardly earned anything. I had some great comments, great follows but financially, very little.

Why didn't I just get a second job? My wife was recovering (and still is and it has been a year and a half), our infant daughter couldn't sleep because of pain and I would spend most nights pushing her around the neighbourhood as it was the only way she could rest and once home, I would sit and wait an hour until she would wake again and I would take her for another walk. In the morning after a couple hours rest on the couch, I would go to work. There was just no way I could run my business, do what was necessary at home and have another job. Steemit allowed me to write in the times my daughter slept.

But, a dollar or two a day was never going to cut it and if I couldn't get more on a post, I had to post more. So I did. Instead of watching shows while waiting for her to wake, I wrote. And wrote and wrote and wrote and I would prepare texts for the next day as I didn't want to spam. I would try to spread them out the best I can and I would get a dollar here sometimes five there.

I remember it must have been March or so and I got a vote from @thejohalfiles, it was the largest single vote I had ever received and it was about 20 dollars. It felt a little like winning the lottery and it meant a lot. A half hour later it was gone as an experiment I didn't know was running meant @abit and @smooth flagged the value away. It crushed me and I questioned smooth but, when I found out about the experiment, I supported them. I still felt like I had lost though. Entitlement.

But slowly I gained followers and it was the end of June, almost 6 months after starting, that I reached 500. More importantly than that, I gained good followers who cared about my content. They kept me going and kept me learning. I no longer needed the money and still to this day, I haven't used any crypto but, I saw a chance to not only help my family's future, but help others too. The only problem is, I needed stake, I needed Steem Power but I was only inching along.

I watched so many others blow past me, I saw people getting delegations that they would misuse, I saw the circle-jerking and the favoritism and people earning on one post what I would get in a month or two on material I could produce in 20 minutes, and they were posting daily. But, I had my own game to play, my own values to keep and my own ethics. Pride means nothing to me, my life is a bunch of random events I had largely no control over choosing but, if there was something I may be proud of if forced, it would be my stance at Steemit. I have done my best and it hasn't been in the maximization of my stake.

Someone DM'd me in chat tonight and they had looked at my payouts and said, "You are doing something wrong, with your SP, you should be earning more." Yes, I am doing something wrong. If I had taken my paid delegation and self-voted on my own content and comments for the last 3 months, I would have double the SP I have now. What that means instead though is that 70 percent of what I could have earned, has gone to other people. Did I make a mistake? It is too early to tell but perhaps considering some of the behaviors of people here, yes, I should have just grown my account, at the very least, I could flag at twice the weight.

But, this is why I still post as I do, why I still push myself 10 hours or more a day just on the writing, not to mention the comments and chat time. I still want to build stake, I still want that pay-off in my future but, I do not want to compromise myself to be there and unfortunately for me, my moral stance is on building a healthy community, not maximizing my individual wealth. Maximizing would leave no room for others, and there are enough of those people on this platform and in the real world as it is.

Stake is important to hold, it is the influence for the future, the value too but, at what cost are people willing to pay for it? There are so many poor behaviors here, so many attention seekers willing to do 'whatever it takes' to get what they want and maximizers use their votes to influence those above, not help those below. It is not about community, it is about ladders and hierarchy. If I am not earning, it will be them and they are not suddenly going to change their behavior when they 'have enough' because they will never see that day. That is their journey.

Mine is different, however, one where I can grow myself and help others to grow. I might end up with more than them through the volume of work but the gap between is going to be a lot less. This is how healthy distribution happens, it isn't a handout or charity, it is people working together for betterment of people working together, the community.

This is the cost of being in a community but unfortunately, the maximizers do not pay this cost, they are extractors and only distribute when and to whom can work them up the ladder, get them an audience with a bigger fish, a bigger vote. When someone is no longer useful, they are discarded. That is not me, there are times I wish it were as it would be a lot less work a lot less frustration. But, where does it lead me? I don't want to have to ever justify my position to cover my behaviours.

Yes, I have painted myself into a corner, I now have to post to be able to cover the people I have chosen to support, I now have to post to a standard that I expect from myself, post to pay the delegation and I must face the reality that I am not an auto-voted producer, I am a provider that is judged post by post. Every one counts so, I try to make it count 5 times a day if I must.

I don't know why I bother with it at times, I could post memes and write one article a day and get similar value in a fraction of the time. Where is the real value in that though, how does it help anyone other than me do less work?

Anyway, that is my Saturday night ramble, that is where it led. You want to know what is fucked up? It is 4 am here and writing this article makes me want to write another two. I will try not to, but I have to force myself to stop.

[ a Steemit original ]


A person’s right is always someone else’s wrong. We all have different agendas, tolerances and ideas. You’ve done what you have with a thought to help others and build the platform. The people you have assisted with delegation or simple advice and a vote appreciate it. I’m sure you know that.

I am grateful for your help along the way and ongoing.

The brother i have been reading about from time to time. Finally, we meet. Good morning, i am @warpedpoetic, a poet and creative writer here on steemit. Do you write as often as your brother @tarazkp does? Second question, what does the 'kp' at the end of both your names mean?

Hi @warped poetic, nice to meet you. I post a couple times a day generally and if not, at least once. I write about various things; Whatever is on my mind I guess.

For me the kp after my name means keep private and am not sure what it means on my brothers username. :)

I’ll have a look at your blog. Thanks for introducing yourself.

Hmmm keeping private; i am not so sure that is what means on @tarazkp own. Thanks for the answers. I will be doing some modification to my notification service later today. I will be seeing you soon. Lol.. That sounded creepy. Peace

Haha, yes you’re probably right. Maybe kp stands for “Kangaroo People” as we are Australian!

Hope to see you around sometime! :)

Hahahaha.... kangaroo people i am going to gently take my leave. Don't want to be in the middle of this. Lol.

We will see definitely. Peace man

yes, everyone has their own journey and must live with the consequences and for me right now to get to where I want to be, it is going to take a lot more work.

You don't seem lazy at all so just keep working. It is expecting anything back that may hurt you later. Giving to give is much easier than giving to receive. I am glad there are more people stepping up doing what you did Taraz at their own personal cost.

Giving to give. I like those words. That's charity not paying forward. That's making the world a better place. Nice one @erodedthoughts

It is expecting anything back that may hurt you later.

With each passing day I am losing the emotional bond with that future

I am glad there are more people stepping up

It does appear so and I feel that there are background movements.

I love this. You speak of ideals i would love to live up to. Getting stake is very important at the same time, surviving is a factor.
What is my excuse? I am unemployed and i know how to write. Are there jobs for writers over here? Not that i know of. So steemit is all i have. And i know that there are very many here who would be sleeping on the sidewalk but for steemit.

At the end of the day, we all have our paths to walk. I try to spend as little as i can and save more because i see the value but at the same time i have needs. Unfortunately, i can't write as much as you do. Sometimes the rate at which you post scares me. But i understand where you are coming from. It is 3:23 am and i am awake, replying your post because i have to. I have to be on, posting, interacting, upvoting, making friends... These are the only ways i know how to use.

We all could use a lot of upliftment but sometimes everyone is too busy fighting their own battles to see that you are drowning (not that i am saying you are).

I think i am rambling already. I should go. Very sleep deprived. Lol. Good morning @tarazkp

And i know that there are very many here who would be sleeping on the sidewalk but for steemit.

I just don't want them to be sleeping on the sidewalks if there were 'no' Steemit.

It is 3:23 am and i am awake, replying your post because i have to. I have to be on, posting, interacting, upvoting, making friends...

I hope it will lead somewhere more valuable than now

I hope so too. I hope we can take from here and grow offline and have no need to depend on steemit for survival.


Hmmm @tarazkp, I think this is the closest I have come to know you and this post have explained a whole lot about you. Am really sorry about the struggle with your family members health (your wife and daughter). I pray the light at the end of the tunnel will come faster.

You mentioned an experiment by @smooth and @abit on your account by flagging a content. I would love to know what it was all about as I have thought of any possible explanation that could make you agree with them. Maybe I haven't still learn much so far.

Your content are always creative and of high value. They are some though which I do not understand the premises which you write from. The ones I understand, I share my thoughts. They ones I do not understand, I just walk away. I guess they are plenty in the audience who do understand those but over all I enjoy reading your work.

Truth too is remain here with you for three reasons.

  • You are committed to what you write. I had a great author I was enjoying her work before now. Then she noticed that she had some auto upvoters and I guess she got greedy and decided to take the short cut with dmania (am not saying dmania is wrong, I, Zappl and Steepshot sometimes,) she over used it and forgot what she used to write about which earned her the followers in the first place. So I told her you losing it and I work away.

  • you reply to your comments. Life to me is simple, you feel too big to talk to me, I walk away. If I make a comment twice on an account and don't get to hear a feedback then there's no point talking to myself in someone's blog.

  • This point is where most people will pretend that it doesn't matter but I do appreciate people who appreciate my time and efforts when an with them. I have benefited a lot from the little appreciations you share to people who makes thoughtful comments on your post. It might not be in tens of dollars but these upvotes show how much you appreciate your followers.

On the whole, you've been a positive influence on me since I joined this platform about six weeks back. And concerning the thought about you not trying to game the system. My opinion is the same as what I told @abh12345 today. You are not stupid in your decision but you are among the few who truly give a shit about the future of this platform (excuse my language ). Thanks @tarazkp for sharing with us tonight.

You mentioned an experiment by @smooth and @abit on your account by flagging a content. I would love to know what it was all about as I have thought of any possible explanation that could make you agree with them.

The experiment was a 'no whale votes' trial where if whales voted 'too' highly, smooth and abit knocked it away. This was part of why the voting curve became straight. The problem with the experiment however couldn't factor in what people would do with their added voting strength and immediately, self-voted comments became an issue after the fork.

she over used it and forgot what she used to write about which earned her the followers in the first place.

With a growing platform, her cost is low. Most keep following and new ones don't know of her past.

This point is where most people will pretend that it doesn't matter but I do appreciate people who appreciate my time and efforts when an with them.

Time is a commodity and if you feel like yours is being wasted, walk away. Most think 'feeling good' is valuable but in the longrun, it rarely is.

i think that our start in this platform is really similar to your i would like to tell you that you really support others, and i think we all facing the same mistake but fortunatly we develope and learn from our mistake and from other's experiences like yours, hope your daughter is really fine this time. and i'm pretty sure that you will be a reall great steemit used. wish you all the best buddy.

First of all i am really sorry to hear about your situation, i wish you and your family all the best recovering and improvement in health possible.
I really appreciate you upvoting and answering to comments, thats why people (like me) actually are interested to really read what you are saying and thats how you build your own network/community/hard core of people, but not any people, it's people who are willing to give back. The way you are going, the values you are living, it is a carrying element of this platform, and if you see people ONLY feeding themselves esp. not at the start but when becoming dolphins an whales, this is what ruins the platform and even could make is crash. Sooner or later maybe @steemit or @ned may recognize your value to the platform and give you an upvote/support you, you never know. But i think it's less likely if you were someone who only is into the money by feeding himself.

I must however admit that it's a bad thing to stick too much to principles and good values getting so unflexible, that it doesn't help the case but only is done to keep the principles alive. Don't paint black and white, don't paint yourself into a corner, the result will be depression and depression leads to you being not able to provide for anyone anymore.
Don't let fear rule your life. Don't fear losing your community.
Communication is key. If you tell everyone you will be upvoting yourself for a month and then return back to your normal behavior, what's the problem? Everyone who reads will understand and not unfollow or smth if someone nags about link him your explanation and everythings fine.

Be good human, but don't be unflexible, as you only can help others if you have influence and be stable yourself.

Greetings to you and all the best for your family

I must however admit that it's a bad thing to stick too much to principles and good values getting so unflexible,

There are some that I allow plenty of flexibility in considering they are based on circumstance but, there are some I am much stricter in because they are core principles that affect the others.

Don't fear losing your community.

This is why I write as I do. There is a cost for it.

Sir i'm really proud o you that you're still struggling .But you did it at last you gained some followers . you gained your postion .
I got really so much inpiration after reading your story , it will help me in future
All over the prime thing is Never Ever Give up !!
Keep going sir , there are lot of massive success waiting for you in your future .
Best of luck for your writing and Bless up
bravo man @tarazkp 💜

Well, if everyone would only look after himself, auto-vote, cycle-jerk, and post memes, the platform would go to hell and everybody would lose.

That said, good luck with forcing yourself go to sleep at 4 am. :D

P.S. Your photos are getting better and better!

Well, if everyone would only look after himself, auto-vote, cycle-jerk, and post memes, the platform would go to hell and everybody would lose.

This is the problem, even now the community supports the extractors. If they were to stop, things would change, if everyone becomes an extractor, things would collapse.

You want to know what is fucked up? It is 4 am here and writing this article makes me want to write another two.

That's not fucked up at all, that's passion. Passion you get from trying to build a better community and take a stance against the way this platform has been evolving the last months. I, for one, appreciate everything you have done for me and the other minnows you support. As I get bigger and bigger, I will keep reading, commenting and voting on as much posts of you I can find the time for to read. That way I really hope I can give something back to you as well. I know you don't expect that of me, but it would be nice if I could achieve that.

Keep doing what you're doing Taraz!

I know you don't expect that of me, but it would be nice if I could achieve that.

I try not to expect anything from anyone but, it is difficult. I think in time, there are many small fish struggling who will do very well with consistency and persistence.

Actually, I have been thinking about how much do you sleep, eat healthy, work out and spend time with your wife and daughter. Do you take care of yourself enough? It's not my place to give advise, but remember that they will need you also in the future. :)

Btw, my conscience is knocking. I should have done more with the SP you delegated to me ':)

Btw, my conscience is knocking. I should have done more with the SP you delegated to me ':)

You should indeed. Spread wide and join the chat (under the same name) even if it is just to drop me a line and ask some advice.

Do you take care of yourself enough?

I spend time with the family, I don't sleep enough nor workout enough though.

Yes, I would like to join chat. It was on my mind for the whole time I have been on steemit.

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