There are only men and women and people with mental problems

in #philosophy6 years ago

I have been seeing and hearing the term cis more and more lately. It seems this term is used to describe males and females who were born that way or as I would say real females and real males. I really despise the idea of anybody having to actually define that they are "cis", to me this is the majority bowing down to a miniscule group and starting to use their language. I am all for acceptance of lgbtq, no violence towards them etc. but the lgbtq thing should not be telling a majority how to define sexuality which has been defined through millions of years of evolution something they have rejected and wish to redefine and reinvent in their own image.

Look as a man I am glad for every trans because that is one man less that is in competition with me for females, the more trans and gays the better for me(maybe somebody can make a go fund me page for dresses and lippstick for them). But I think it is important to make it unmistakably clear to men who think that they are women we hetero sexual men will never see you as real women, yes we'l treat you with all the general respect but we will never see you as real women, we won't date you and we sure as hell won't wife you and if a man does then he obviously isn't hetero. Make no mistake about it they want to be women not just for themselves but also to satisfy some fantasy of them being in a relationship with a man and being accepted as a real female.

I also wonder how feminists can support such fuckery, you talk about equality but then you allow men to coopt what it means to be women, I already see the teary eyes of females who are competing in sports against faux femmes and obviously losing, don't complain afterall you like it so and when they take those medals, scholarships snd money don't fucking complain.

I saw that the last Olympics had a couple faux femmes on the British team, to me this is like the new doping. You're a average male athlete, you'l never truly shine so put on a dress and call yourself Sally, now you're a gold medalist stealing positions from original females. The new gold diggers?

It's a fucking scandal that professional sports refuses to stand up to this madness. I say madness as how I would say scandal but yes when a man feels like he is a woman then yes there is a obvious mental health component, there used to be times when people would try to explain to them that they are not females, hell they even used to be laughed at (Not that I am advocating that) but now it's already the new phobia to point out that trans is not the real item, like a fake Rolex will never be the genuine article.

Today I read that the next step in the lgbtq etc. agenda is the indoctrination of preteen children. Their orgs are going to schools and setting up some form of trans story hour(they even have lgbtq childrens books!) I guess their logic is they can only get so far with adults so now it's time to lgbtq propagandize Society from the bottom up. It was interesting to read how it confused the heck out of some yound boy kids whose mind couldn't understand how a boy could be a girl as in a real girl. Those kids are smarter than the people trying to indoctrinate them and quite frankly more honest too. And the schools set it up so parents can't opt out, it's usually done in secret, or if there is info about it it is written in such a way that nobody knows that it is about the lgbtq agenda.

Lgbtq is like the new religion, oppose them at your own Doom. The guy saying NO is the new blasphemer, the hater, the Hitler.
Caveman Stadex at your service lmao.


You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

to me this is the majority bowing down to a miniscule group and starting to use their language.
It should be minuscule instead of miniscule.

How nice of grammar bot to tell me about a spelling mistake. I will leave it the way it is, think of it as a intentional mistake.

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