Religion: The Opium Of The Masses

in #philosophy7 years ago


Religion is one interesting topic in philosophy that while many shy away or from it, we see it as every other discourse that needs rigorous and philosophical reflections. While it is true that philosophy deals with reasoning, arguments, logical insinuations, religion on the other hand, is in the realm of faith and dogmas. Dogma in this sense is as a result of 'no questioning' which is part of religion.

Philosophical experiences are also different from religious experiences. While we use 'tools' to arrive at logical claims, religion uses spirituality as the only source of its conclusions.

I will like to quickly tell you that philosophy is the MOTHER of all disciplines. When you become an academic doctor, what you have is called: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD.) 

As a branch of philosophy, we have what we call philosophy of infrastructure. Under it, we have philosophy of religion, philosophy of science, philosophy of economics, philosophy of mathematics etc. So 'philosophy of' gives us the opportunity to have an idea about many courses in the university. So you can understand why i can discuss the topic above.

My topic is actually from a popular phrase coined by Karl Marx. Being a communist, Karl Marl dislikes anything class system which is evident in every in any state. In the light of the above, i shall attempt a brief explanation of class structure as argued by Karl Marx. 

What Is Religion?

There is no universally accepted definition of religion. This does not mean that there are no definitions of religion. There are many and any definition must recognize the Supreme Being (God) and the creatures (man). 

Religion is the set of beliefs, feelings, dogmas and practices that define the relations between human being and sacred or divinity. A given religion is defined by specific elements of a community of believers: dogmas, sacred books, rites, worship, sacrament, moral prescription, interdicts, organization. The majority of religions have developed starting from a revelation based on the exemplary history of a nation, of a prophet or a wise man who taught an ideal of life.  Source

Characteristics of Religion

  • Belief In The Supernatural: As a religious person, you must believe in supernatural powers. You must believe in holy spirits.
  • Sacred and Ordinary: Religion has many sacred things. There are many symbols that identified with the 'holy' and they are regarded as sacred things which must be respected as such. Religion make use of ordinary materials to enhance worship - drums, bell, piano, etc.
  • Faith and Dogma: These are the two important things in religion. You must have faith in the 'Holy'. You must believe in the Supreme Being and accept everything without using 'finite' knowledge to question it.
  • Morality: Religion preaches high level of moral life. Your actions must reflect your belief. People judge worshipers easily than they would judge non-worshipers so it is expected that your actions reflect what you are preaching. 


Karl Marx

Marx begins the opening paragraph of his Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848) with a powerful note which reads: 

The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. Marx

Marx believes that class started with landlords. The people with lands in the first stage of history determine how things are done in the society. This way of living gave birth to the capitalist state where profit making was the sole aim. The capitalist society has two major classes in it namely: bourgeoisie and proletariats.

The bourgeois is the class of people that own the means of social productions and employers of wage labor. They are renters, high military and civil officials.

The proletariats are the class of wage laborers. These people do not own any means of production, they sell their labor power in order to live.

Marx believes that there are oppressors and the oppressed in every given state. The oppressors are the bourgeoisie while the oppressed are the proletariats. He believes that the capitalist easily use religion as a 'tool' to oppress the proletariats.

Religion, he argues, is indeed the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or has already lost himself again. But man is no abstract being squatting outside the world. Man is the world of man – state, society. This state and this society produce religion, which is an inverted consciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world. Religion is the general theory of this world, its encyclopedic compendium, its logic in popular form, its spiritual point d'honneur, its enthusiasm, its moral sanction, its solemn complement, and its universal basis of consolation and justification. It is the fantastic realisation of the human essence since the human essence has not acquired any true reality. The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.

Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.
The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo. source


Marx believes so much that religion is responsible for the problems of man and especially the proletariats. So he argues for its abolition! 

I know right now that many things are going on in your brain! You are thinking, is that man for real? How did he die? He must be in hell by now? How would a reasonable human being suggest that religion be abolished? These are some of the questions you are asking yourself!

But have you also asked: What has religion done for me? What have i gained being a religious person? Will religion take me to heaven or hell? Is religion truly the problem in the world? These and many other questions should set in also. 

You really need to look at states where religion is dominant and ask if they are in any way better than those with less or no religion. Do not forget easily that i have tried not to mention any single religion. This is actually deliberate so that my argument would be seen for what it is: Philosophical reflection!

If you look at the history of religion, you will be forced to ask some disturbing questions especially when you consider what has happened under the 'disguise' of religion. Religion has been a blessing to many no doubt but can this be said about everybody in every parts of the world? 

In Nigeria, has religion helped us? Have we been saved by religion? Has religion helped our leaders? Has religion helped in choosing leaders? While these are critical questions to ask, they in no way make you less human when you ask them! I have read many philosophical works that suggest science as the replacement of religion. You might want to ask also if science can solve (if there is any) the 'problems' created by religion.

Looking at my material and social conditions, my experiences in this part of the world (Nigeria), i think many things have been done under religion. Now whether the society should be rid off religion is for you to ponder on as well.

Thanks for reading my blog once again! Its your boy @smyle the philosopher!

Resteem, Upvote and comment


When Peter was telling Jesus, about the different names he is been called by many people, Jesus Christ asked him, who do u say I am?? He replied. You are d son of God. Now that you have use philosophical approach to follow religion, I am asking you, what do you believe in?

Can we chat sometimes?

You lifted anything i wish to say off my mind!

No problem boss. I do follow ur work. Thanks for d upvote. I don't know, if there is anything like inbox on steemit, were i could drop contact.

You are actually asking the wrong question. Philosophy can ask any question about anything and anywhere! Hardly is there anything that is free from philosophical enquiries and religion is sure not one of them. Those who do religion as a course in school must do philosophy. So i do not know why you think what you typed is anyway a question to ask a philosopher. Thanks .

Religion like i related earlier is a mirage and i will relate it again, They keep deceiving people with the word "Religion" ... I will leave it here before i sound controversal. Nice one boss👍👍

Opium is much safer than any religion ;)

Lols! Thanks for your time!

Man is a spiritual entity so religion and man are inseparable. Christianity as a 'religion '(though I see it more as a lifestyle than a religion) is very straight forward but you encounter problems when you prefer to look up to others instead of Christ who is the author and finisher of our faith. I get sick when I hear people say 'my pastor said this, my pastor said that' and they swallow all hook, line and sinker. Don't forget that he is as human as you are and therefor his words are fallible. Move to the infallible word of God and end the frustrations.

That religion and man are inseparable i refuse to agree! Man can live a peaceful and 'fulfilled' life without religion. The two don't go together like head and body! On the pastor thing, it is annoying really how people forget the person is a man too. Thanks for your time!

Religion... Well however you might argue against it or for it, one thing is sacrosanct and that is human beings are religious animal. And Wil continue to remain so for a long time to come. Personally, sometimes I don't even know what to believe again, other times...i feel like returning to the ways of ancestors...such a confusing aspect of human life.

Great post as usual

Yeah boss! Many things happen under the name religion. It is well

great and informative post
i will follow your account to see how are you doing;) please follow me

Great post

Religion is one topic i try to avoid my friend. It is delicate topic with tense whenever it is being discussed. I feel all Karl Marl wrote and i also agree that religion does more than what opium does in the body of man. Thanks forbsharung this wonderdul piece once again.

good work .....

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