"Nature is perfect" - this discovery changed my life
I don't know how I got there, but somewhen I realized, that there is no possibility for nature to fail. This means even when something looks like a fail, it actually isn't. It's not a fail that the storm is breaking the tree - it's by design! I am not a fail - I am supposed to be here and who I am, because I am here as a child of mother nature!
Nevertheless I believe, the human species - for a reason I don't know - is the only one on planet earth, who is widely disconnected to their actual meaning. We lost the connection to play our role the right way... Well most of us don't even have a clue, what's our their role or let's say their inner voice... But who knows - probably even this is a part of the perfect nature?
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f3nix (59) 7 years ago