
That's not an argument.

What you have supported is not marriage and never can be. There's no consistent philosophical argument to support your position.

Marriage is a legal contract, it has nothing to do with sky god.




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Why should a gay couple be given any advantages by the state when they can not make a new child?

I don't care,

Any cretin can make a baby, the state is only interested in how much you can contribute to society,

because I can and do work and contribute to my state's economy and culture then I'm more relevant to my state and have more value to the state, then some nobody that had a baby.

Where in my post did I mention any sort of God?
You are making an argument against something I did not say.

You literally have a tag of religion, so I'm sorry if you are actually coming from an atheist perspective, however I not too sure you are.

Your word salad of an argument has absolutely no references, all you have is:

you saying what you think, then talking about that, and that's it is just your opinion.

It's just your opinion...hanging out the wind......looking sad.


Philosophical arguments do not need references.
Philosophical arguments are not opinions, they are logical deductions.

There is nothing logical in your deductions, there is a lot of logical fallacies.

Here I'll let you figure out the ones.

Anyway I'm done.

It would really help if you were more specific with your criticisms and if you gave some examples.

Specifically which logical fallacy has been made?

Exactly throwing out vague accusations is useless. The criticism needs to be more specific.

Hereby the reference @sapphic:

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13).

This is from the Bible. I can also quote from the holy Qur'an... it won't be differ.

@alzamma Hahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahaha.... Breath.... Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahabababahahahahahahahahahahahha.

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