Reality Check: What Is Reality
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[Please bear with me... this is all pretty new to me and before I dive into the subject of AI as a part of the antichrist, I want to address this element first as it helps explain the existence of extra-dimensional beings]
What is reality... is it what we can see, touch, hear... is it limited to the things we can observe using our senses, or is there more? One key component in understanding the nature of things hinges on this question... what is matter? Matter consists of atoms at its most fundamental level and breaking atoms down gives us a nucleus made up of protons and neutrons which is orbited by electrons... all made up of energy. The density of the matter is dependent on specific gravity compared to some standard depending on the state of the matter, be it solid, liquid or gas. In any event, the most basic element of any form of matter is energy.
Now to our senses... Sight is probably the most important as it pertains to "decoding" reality. How do we know matter exists, fundamentally because we can see it. Light enters the eye and objects are projected against the retina where rods and cones pick it up and the information is sent via electrical impulse to our brain that acts like a computer decoding the information into understandable imagery. All of our senses operate together in much the same way picking up information be it sound, touch, smell... all of the data is then sent via the nervous system to the brain as electrical impulses where it is decoded. Gerald Clark describes us as "meat modems" that accumulate sensory data and send it to the computer in our head to be decoded. The question that arises then is... can our senses "see" all there is to see (or sense to be more precise)?
The human eye, for example, is not a very perceptive organ in the grand scale of things. Compared with much of the animal kingdom in fact it is quite substandard. This is a graphic illustration of the electromagnetic spectrum...
The small colored bars indicate what the human eye can observe- 400-700 nanometers. Compared with how much there is in the entire spectrum, who's to say that there exist things that the human eye cannot discern... given that the dimension of human sight is 400-700 nanometers they would be extra-dimensional phenomena. Just because we cannot see them or hear them doesn't mean they don't exist.
The same thing can be said about hearing. The human ear can pick up between 20 and 20,000 hertz. An elephant has a hearing spectrum of between 1 and 100,000 hertz... once again we seem quite limited. Applying this to the possible existence of extraterrestrials- in order for us to see them, they would have to exist inside the limited electromagnetic spectrum that is observable to the human eye. David Icke provided a good explanation (much better than I can provide) on a recent video that I'll post here... and let me qualify this with, up until a few months ago I thought the guy was a raving lunatic with all of his reptile people and the like. However, in the ensuing months I've come to see things quite differently.
What I really want to address here is more or less an historical/spiritual dimension... the bioengineering done by the Anunnaki. I'd like to present a counter argument to the viewpoint held by Gerald Clark, Sitchin and others who believe that we are genetically enhanced primates, or early hominids. When we were bioengineered we were purposely given limited sensory capabilities to keep us in a state of subservience. I believe that the opposite is true- that rather than being bioengineered up from simians, we were bioengineered down from a conquered human race already here. The reason we were limited (most probably through manipulation of our pituitary gland- or "third eye.") was to truncate our connection to the "godhead," the creator of all things.
If you bear with me for a minute it will make sense... Why is water fluoridated? Why all of the vaccines? Why the genetically altered foods? All of these things have a direct effect on the pituitary gland- particularly fluoride. This is an attempt by the elites who serve the "dark brotherhood" to keep us disconnected from the creator. That way they can maintain their hegemony on power. There is a war being fought and it's being fought on many levels... remember: "Ephesians 6:12 New International Version (NIV)
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." The purpose of these entities is to keep us disconnected from GOD.
I know you all must think I've lost my mind by now, but I assure you, I'm sure I'm on to something here... I may not have it fine tuned as yet, but I'm on my way.
you are on the right path rich although there is no such thing as an antichrist.
Also reality is objective its not fixed, as one meditates for example one draws in more dark matter into the cells through gateways of energy and thus the eyes and senses will begin to perceive new things encoded with new processes if you will.
In other words reality is always neutral it has no build in meaning, the personality structure that is you defines the meaning of the events playing/ going on in physical reality. So there are no positive experiences or negative ones, its all neutral.
predetermined belief systems is what dominates most people's life and thus their reality is a continuation of the elders before them etc etc. This is why children right now are very rebelious and will not tolerate parents to choose their life for them. and you'll see that more and more till at a certain point the children will teach the parents and not the other way around.
It is when one lives on its own sense ignores others thoughts and suggestions completely that you will live your own life.
Welcome to the simulation
up until a few months ago I thought the guy was a raving lunatic with all of his reptile people and the like.
oddly enough.
I agree with you.
I have always thought we were tampered with. To be enslaved, we must have been free at some point. Our free will is, to me, proof we were originally designed to develop on our own without outside influence. Our natural path has been hijacked. That's just how I have always seen it. Our pineal gland is more evidence that we used to be much more. Maybe Atlantis was our original civilization before the enslavement?
I couldn't agree more... That's why I figure that we were engineered down rather than up from primates.
We make sense out of Life.
Life has no sense and there is no purpose for living.
The most difficult concept to understand since we are born is that action precedes thought and not the other way round.
It's in our actions and will that we try to make sense of the world.
Schopenhauer said the World is just a representation of our own will, meaning the more you know yourself (consciously and subconsciously scratching) the more the events of reality surrounding seems to be a product of your control of the will exercised over Reality.
Fight for individual and collective freedom may be a nonsense to make sense out of the meaning of our life.
Some of us just like to fight!