How unique are we? (A controversial article)

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

me wondering how unique are we?
La Jolla Beach located in San Diego, California

Disclaimer:the emphasis of this article it to debate our uniqueness as a collective society however I do touch on the some of the brainwashing going on

Theres no doubt that we are a special, rare, hostile, semi advanced and complex organisms but How unique are we?

We would all like to think were pretty unique but it we give it a deep though that uniqueness starts to seem limited.
Maybe because of social engineering playing a dominant role in our society or because of limited intellect based on whats popular amongst culture hence Pop Culture therefore if people aren’t in to learning as a collective society
Then they will learn whats popular at the time even if it’s garbage, Once there fed with non life enhancing skills,
It’s starts to affect everyone as a collective society and creates a limiting mindset.

Factors of influence

TV is a huge part of our collective culture, It has also played a huge factor in the development phases of different countries and plays a role in there prejudice against other countries and their phycological mindset.

Thats right I said it TOYS yes they play a giant role in your phycological development as a kid and can aid or negatively affect kids in huge ways including but not limited to emotional reasoning, violence tendencies, premature sexual understanding, cognitive dissonance, unreasonable rage, social skills and stress management.
Think about it we know have realistic play dolls for boys and girls that teach them a little too much all they need to know are common areas of respect at that age.
They shouldn’t know about thongs, makeup and dates or even simple stuff that seems innocent like battling different monsters, that just teaches them how to be insecure and hostile when they grow up remember “hate” is a tough emotion, people learn to hate it’s not a natural emotion it use to be there only as a defense mechanism but now it’s tough as a pastime.

Just like many of you, I love to read, but you have to watch what you read as everyday were there is less and less publishers and most of them are owned by a single conglomorate including bible publishers, so do proper research and try and decipher whats being thrown at you, it doesn’t hurt to check hundreds of sources and exercise common sense.
Wherever possible do your own personal research or bench test.

Oh my! I know I am going to ruffle a bunch of feathers but I honestly Don’t give a fuck because my intentions are good.
I Grew up in a catholic household but as a child when my aunt took me to my first communion at 6 years of age I was kicked out within one hour on the first day for simply asking one question that sparked outrage, the question was “who made god and who made the person that made god and who made the person that made the person who made god going back one thousand years. At that age I instinctively knew two things.
One was that their is a high probability their is god and the God religion teaches you is a hateful, vengeful, war mongerer and conceded. I mean damn they painted this dude like he is some type of madmen who will flood you like New Orleans or do you like they did “Kunta Kinte” I mean if their is a God even a child knows god does not mean King it represent eternal love NOT vanity, fear, royalty, material wealth, hate and unequivocal control of the people and their perception.
the God they try an paint is vicious as fuck not the loving healing and blessing entity that I feel in my heart.
Frankly it’s up to every individual to come up with his or her conclusion as to weather “IT” exist but while some can debate that you can’t debate the massive influence it plays in our society and the dominant control religion has has had over thousands of years serving as governments, financial institutions and armies that went on murderous rampages over other religions and went as far as burning entire libraries with a plethora of ancient knowledge lost forever and going on witch hunts to ignorantly kill lots of brilliant scientist this is what religion has done for humanity it strips you of everything including having a personal relationship with God and enslaves you because a lot of religions including the catholic religion consider that a sin only the “Padre” or Pastor can directly communicate with God, again you can debate this but you can’t debate all the harm and destruction thats been conceived out of religion.
Not all religion is bad some is benign it is the intention that counts at the end of the day :)

Pop Culture
this is probably the biggest influencing factor, there are lot of theories but one of those is humans tend to act kind of like a "bee hive" or a flock of birds Dr.Rupert Sheldrake coined the term morphogenetic field which is a group of cells able to respond to discrete, localized biochemical signals leading to the discrete development of the morphological structures or organ, in simple terms it is a field that helps coordinate biological organisms in relationship to each others's position, behavior and a coordinated trajectory, there is more to it but we will leave it simplified for this purpose.
The problem with this is that because humans behave and operate collectively it is very easy to influence people thru lots of ways including phycological, saturation of data, subliminal and auditory cohersion of the brain without the person even realizing he or she is being brainwashed this is why it’s easy to feed the masses with any type of propaganda without them rejecting it, and its not that their stupid it’s that their uninformed.
so instead of critiquing people its best to inform them;)
But I don’t want to veer of topic too much so lets assume that were in a perfect environment and that Thanksgiving isn’t bullshit and that the Pilgrims didn’t pillage the Indian people and take them for everything and skeet and squirt on their women, that everything were told in school including how Christopher Columbus “discovered” America and that punk pulled up to the shoreline there weren’t people their already posted like a federal stamp is all true, How unique are we?

Lets assume you have a high IQ (over 133) under again in a “perfect enviroment” and that you have a couple different Skillsets that your articulate, have lived a long life and took advantage of time and have learned different variables to manage your way out of different situations and you have a higher problem solving ability

The majority of us when we wake up in the morning till the time we go to sleep don’t face that much variables or situations sure we all face tough situations but most of those situations are pretty common and you could probably fine people who can relate with your situation, yes were rather complex but not any more complicated than the effort it took to put ourselves in those situations, and yes over generations people with limited problem solving abilities have died out and thus intellect is raised thru “natural selection” but sometime I get an eerie chill down my spine when I think about how free are we? and I don’t mean the government enslavement free, I mean free though yes were self aware but to reiterate this though let me give a couple of examples…….

we all think were unique because you can built your own house or design a building, do the best make up, athlete world champ, best painter, artist, fix your own car but I fine a big problem in society and thats not just the fact that their is millions of people who can do the same thing, its the fact that trends even exist, Now I am not saying our skills are inspired by trends but they are inspired by our limited enviroment,
And I am not saying that athletes aren’t special or don’t carry their own signature moves, but just because their in a small percentage of the population with gifted abilities doesn’t make them that unique,
Because for every world champion their is thousands more, sure talent and skillset mean a whole lot but so do resources and training abilities hundreds of different countries can’t afford, So for now they seem as a limited resource not to mention all the political reasons to push distraction and a left vs right ideology so we as a society are adapted in a war mentality as in us versus them, but again I am veering off topic and this is meant as an example an not to bash on televised sports events obviously sports are great and an important aspect of your health, but finding that unique quality seems complicated and it only arises with more questions, why are humans so alarmingly self segregated, why are we so willing to “draw inside the lines”, why do we exhibit slave like tendencies, why do some humans exhibit parasitic tendencies, War is as old as the Bible or so it seems, why?, why is their so much fear in the Bible? Granted it was one of the first forms of government and still one of the most powerful and biggest financial institutions to this date.

So where are all the Mavericks?

All though history I can fine a small and limited amount of people that I can categorize as unique and rare, not saying that people and entertainers aren’t important or that Nikola Tesla and all the mavericks who propelled us in to the future matter more what I am saying is that their hobbies and interest are way different than your average person of even the mojority.

I tend to think that were a limited type of unique, within those variables there is a threshold, it seems like humanity has a set narrow set bandwidth of limited tough....

By choice the Mavericks created their own legacy and choose not to participate in the “rat race”,
they did not have a 9-5, they weren’t youtube stars, they did not work construction and hung out at the bar afterwords, they weren’t actors or politicians, they choose to carve a path towards our future,
they were not the type to stand in line and then ask why their in line or the type to insecurely check their outfit to see if their peers would approve,
they were mavericks, innovators and creators of their own destiny, sure some of them succumbed to the dangers that lie in society and thats greed and jealousy, but that does not make them any less unique it reinforces who they were given the positive intentions they had for humanity, and when faced with adversity and threats to their own life only reinforced the courage and the character that these men possessed within them. they could not be corrupted.
I constantly question why the majority of the populace does not posses these unique qualities what happened to loyalty, acceptance, empathy and innovation? why be another rapper, football player, entertainer, hoe, pimp or any field that already exist we already have great athletes, pimps and rappers, why not be the next scientist that creates an innovative energy resource or a doctor that develops a new procedure or creates an alternative field that doesn’t experiment with people on the fly rather they heal thru exhaustive research and development and use actual targeted benign medicine thats natural and does not carry secondary harmful effects now I am not anti entertainment or anti sport, anti medicine what I am is someone who questions are very own existence in lots of ways its amazing that we are here and few people question that very fact.

** so are we unique**
I guess to certain extent we are, but why are we so predictable, malleable, easily corrupted, cohersed, gullible and easy to corral and funneled in to accepting our current paradign I know there is fluoride in the water and certain ingredients makes us less willing to act and more accepting of the path of lease ressistance and again social engineering plays a role but still were better than that how and why isn’t their more innovators I understand a great deal of these scientist are soaked up by the military industrial complex and others just outright sell out literally, companies buy the rights to these energy de-enslaving patents and lock them up never to be seen but if you scale that out an take in to account that the world population currently stands at 7.5 Billion why aren’t their more innovation?
here are some of my following theories…

Tradition is cute and all but unfortunately it follows the path of lease resistance makes us closed minded and unapcepting of other people’s innovation, other malicious trades include jealousy and being egotistical a great example is Thomas Edison tried everything in his power to discredit Nikola Tesla from his great achievements because he did not want to be surpassed as a scientist he went as far as electrocuting live elephants in front of live audiences and traumatizing kids forever.
so lets start accepting innovation and be open to the fact that someone may have a better idea than you and me.


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