Anchored Consciousness Within Nested Toroidal Fields

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

There is a problem in which was solved at the beginning of time. In fact, the problem had to be solved before time could exist.

In order for time to exist there needs to be a scalable quanta in which it can use as linear information, or rather data points. These data points and the memory of these data points are what we humans denote as time. Now getting this far is fine, but this notion of time is only acceptable in a single vector. As soon as you stray away from the x,y delineation of time and space, you must take into account z as well. If x,y are space and time then z represents macroscopic and microscopic magnification.

The importance of z cannot be understated. The magnification in which one anchors themself is directly proportional to the rate at which space and time are perceived. The more microscopic the z coordinate the faster space time is perceived. The larger the z coordinate the slower the rate of perception. In essence what this does is create a unified field of perception amongst all levels of magnification. If you could transport yourself to a small magnification and then a larger one and then a larger one after that, space and time would feel the same in terms of rate of perception. Yet if you were to view the three rates of perception simultaneously the smallest magnification would have a rate of perception that would seem blisteringly fast compared to the larger ones, while the largest one would have an extremely slow rate of perception.

An interesting point to make is that this could be used as a cosmic address of sorts or gps location. You may write to your spacefaring buddy to let him know that you are at ‘y’ point in space at ‘x’ time relative to the magnification level ‘z’

This also exemplifies the universal principle of as above so below and of the golden phi ratio as well as the torus field. Regardless of where your consciousness has been anchored, or rather gravitated towards, your relative magnification (aka above or below) will always have the same relative rate of perception to all other anchorable points. The difference occurs when you remove yourself from being within a certain anchored point of awareness and look at several anchorable points at different rates of perception, then the differences in rates of perception can be seen and understood. In relation to the Phi ratio and the torus field, conscious awareness spirals from the microscopic center in the pattern of the phi ratio through the construct of the torus field, up and outward then down and back in and through again. In this example the phi ratio is conscious awareness being imprinted at different levels of magnification represented by the torus field.

Another way to think of this is using the flower of life pattern. The flower of life is symbolic of consciousness and is found as a repeating pattern throughout every level of magnification. Think of this as z. Regardless of where z is found to be the relative x and y will always feel the same to z even if z is in dramatically different levels of magnification. Regardless of where consciousness is found to be the relative time and space will always feel the same to consciousness even if consciousness is in dramatically different levels of magnification.

Based on the understanding of what was presented above one can extrapolate beneficial daily knowledge. Utilizing the scalar nature of the universe one can see the fault in unbalanced livelihood. This pertains not only to everyday choices and habits but also to life long career choices and ways of working. Dedicating oneself to one field of expertise brings with it many benefits but leaves one at risk and susceptible to manipulation. An individual who is an expert in their field may be able to benefit the society at large through the in depth understanding of a particular piece of the universe but by starving themselves of diversification they blind themselves to the blatant and obvious connectivity of all systems and things. This is a main reason in why cancer has plagued humanity for so long. In fact it is the physical symbol of the very problem in which is being discussed, an unbalanced and hyper individuated psyche. When doctors look at cancer they look to the specific disease and to its surroundings. What the doctors does not take into account is the larger macroscopic environment in which the cancer was berthed. This is of no fault of the doctor but rather is a fault of the society in which promotes individuated styles of expertise that fail to understand the larger symbiotic system.

The modern society has created many cogs but no machines. I suggest that we create many machines that in and of themselves can be cogs. Instead of creating a society where each person is hyper prepared in a certain field while being extremely at risk to manipulation in all other vectors, let us create a society in which everyone is prepared to take on the majority of vectors while utilizing this vast general knowledge of macroscopic systems to implement more effective microscopic systems. This relates to the immune system and cancer again as well. If humanity at large in the modern day represents a human body and each human is an immune cell we would be susceptible to cancer because each person has vastly more areas of weakness than strength. The only human immune cells that would be able to fight off the cancer would be the ones that have been hyper prepared to understand and deal with it. So while these experts may live to see another day, the vast majority of the other humans would perish.

A perfect example of this is global warming. For decades the hyper prepared humans known as climatologists have been screaming from the rooftops that global warming is real and poses a significant threat to humanity. Unfortunately for us humans, these scientists are experts in analyzing data, not convincing people that global warming will likely make the world uninhabitable for their children. This is why global warming is just barely being addressed now, when it is already to late. Finally the non experts are beginning to be affected directly through hellish climatological events, in which can be devastating, and thus are beginning to listen to the experts.

The point of all of this is to again show how having an individuated hyper expert in one field leaves not only that person open to manipulation and extreme danger but leaves the species at large at risk. If we were to look at this from my proposed perspective however, we see how a situation like this would never occur.

If instead of science experts trying to convince people that climate change was real everyone had a base knowledge of environmental science and macroscopic systems, it would be obvious what we are doing wrong and what must be done to solve the issue. In fact the issue wouldn't have even presented itself because we would have a balanced knowledge among the populous.

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