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RE: The threat to Bank and Government: Crypto

I am new to crypto, but not to studying banks and their manipulations of the U.S. economy. I have a few thoughts on this, some that run contrary to the ideas held by many. My first thought is banks have been wanting a cashless society for many years. Crypto allows this.

Second, it seems obvious to me that the record high of Bitcoin two months ago was the result of a massive pump. There was absolutely no reason for the value to skyrocket as it did. Nothing about Bitcoin had changed that dramatically. This tells me even the largest coin is susceptible to manipulation. I suspect Tether had a little to do with this given their mass increase during this time.

Third, since fiat is used to buy in, who could instantly make themselves a whale if not a group who can print money out of thin air as the bankers do? They will be able to play this (and already are I suspect) the same way they do with the stock market.

My last thought on this is on the recent U.S. clarification that all trades are taxable events. Taxes for the most part were not a thing in the U.S. until Rothschild and his cohorts regained their central bank they call the Federal Reserve. Taxes were installed and increased again in WW2 under the Victory tax for the sole purpose of paying them their interest for this printed from nothing money. Mark my words, by the end of next spring there will be major news of big crypto players being fined and possibly imprisoned for not paying their taxes, to scare the rest into compliance.

I suspect banks, despite playing a mind game that crypto scares them, are happy it exists. It is going to be the tool that enables them to keep their house of illusion running just a little while longer.


Again!! splendid reply @practicalthought. Same like @soo.chong163 observation. That's indeed a cunning flip of the 'coin' we all need to do in order to be able to see each angle of the 'token' from totally new perspectives. }:)

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