Aaron's Axioms : B
The [concept of the] Social Contract (S.C.) is Categorical Imperative [C.I.].

- (SC) is an objective-based subject of emergent order.
- Affirmed between the ruling and the ruled.
- Affirmations between the ruling and the ruled are metaphysical contracts.
- (SC) is affirmation of the entails in consent.
- Entails in consent are contingent to [dependent on] (SC).
- (SC) is established in the collective unconscious.
- Contingencies (provisions for an unforeseen circumstance) influence the collective unconscious.
- [CI]s establish contingencies.
- [CI]s establish subjective-superstructure of emergent order.
- Entails in consent are objective-based intentions.
- Objective-based intentions establish contingencies for subjective-superstructure of emergent order.
Oh lookie! Another rule of sevensies!
The caveat from 'A' still applies: this is first-person inference (open to critique); not reference from some obscure cultural text; nor preference on the viability
of 'social justice'.
Much of Western Culture is based on the concept of the Social Contract, yet it seems that ideal is being diminished at an exponential rate with a pseudo-privatized military, the business of death, and the incessant warmongering from well-known statesman (to weaponize & perpetuate fear for profits) - thereby leaving the violence-averse individual unrepresented in modern politicking.