Kant's Arguement for Transcendental Idealism
Kant starts off by stating his argument for transcendental idealism in AT 14, before truly explaining it. He starts by laying down a framework to see his argument and relates it to nature and the universal laws. He says, “If nature meant the existence of things in themselves, we would never be able to cognize it, either a priori or a posteriori”. This is essentially Kant's argument, that space is merely a form of our intuition and is a structure that our minds impose on our representations and that space is not a property of things in itself (Ding an Sich). Kant like hume believes we can’t get knowledge of anything universal from experience. If Nature is the existence of things determined by universal laws it can't be empirical so must be A Priori (AT 15). From here, Kant is working toward how this actually possible (AT 17). He then goes on to categorize judgments into Judgements of perception which relate two sensations to the same subject and Judgements of experience which are when objects remain unknown in itself but through understanding is determined universally valid (At 19). Kant says contrary to Hume that universal laws of nature are valid as laws of understanding, but for experience only, he says that they experience is derived from them (AT 30). From this, he connects his main argument that “All synthetic a priori principles are nothing more than principles of possible experience, and can never be related to things in themselves, but only to appearances as objects of experience (AT 30-31)”. This is where he solidified his argument and finds the basis for his belief that space and time are a form of intuition and not “Ding an Sich”, we can never truly know things themselves but only our representations of these things.
Jordan Palmer
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That was a great place! Is there a lot of fish? What kind of fish did you catch?
yes kenny!