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RE: Questions are critically important if you care about trying to help others and the "world" in general.

in #philosophy6 years ago

I see how difficult this process is for you. I understand, I am way down the rabbit hole myself and I know how hard it is to know what you know while, at the same time, recognising how resistant those around you are. However, may I offer you some gentle advice.

I have spent most of my working life working with people who need support in some form or other. The first thing you learn is that the last thing they need is help. Help is debilitating, it dis-empowers the person receiving it. What people in need benefit from most are opportunities, resources and support. But that includes being afforded the freedom to fail and the freedom to make their own choices, right or wrong, because risk is part of life.

If you try to help people, not only are you taking on the burden of their responsibility, you are also removing their power of self efficacy. Better to offer them the benefit of your knowledge, guide them towards information and resources and encourage them to take responsibility, think critically and make up their own minds. If they turn away from you, laugh at you or threaten you because you have expressed an opinion they don't like, that's their problem not yours.

They are responsible for informing themselves. As you know, if they don't, they are condemning themselves to living in ignorance and will sadly become victims of the system. But you can't do anything other than keep offering access to the information. Keep your focus on doing what you can to find solutions for yourself and the people you care about but please don't beat yourself up because others can't or won't look at the evidence you offer.

It is not your responsibility and certainly is not your fault. We each take responsibility for ourselves. It is our human right to accept that responsibility. You can't protect those who don't.

Take it easy


I'm about to head to bed but I just wanted to respond to part of your message real quick.

If you try to help people, not only are you taking on the burden of their responsibility, you are also removing their power of self efficacy.

I think that's a very generalized statement that doesn't apply to everyone and definitely doesn't apply to every being.
I think the key factor is determining whether someone really needs help or not in a genuine way, and if so what are the lengths you should go to do such. If someones about to be hit by a car and they don't see it, I think I'll push them out of the way and not let them die just because I wasn't able to get the information to them in time.

But you can't do anything other than keep offering access to the information.

This is also in my opinion considered helping someone. And I agree, sometimes it's the only thing we can do and should do. But not always.. If a car is coming to hit someone I'm not going to just stand there and say.. "Hey.. Move!" I will push them out of the way if necessary and I don't think any philosophical argument could convince me I should let them get hit by the car.

Similar metaphor with pretty much all people and the state of the planet. There's a metaphorical car coming towards all of humanity and the animals and the environment and it's going to possibly collide with us and extinct our entire species. So.. While I am yelling and trying to bring attention. I'm not going to just sit by and do nothing while waiting for others. I'll keep trying to think of more and more ways to help. Regardless of what others choose to do.

It is not your responsibility and certainly is not your fault. We each take responsibility for ourselves. It is our human right to accept that responsibility. You can't protect those who don't.

Thanks for trying to reassure me. Though.. I think that's one of the reasons why so much is messed up in the world.. Everyone says similar things.. "That's not my responsibility or my fault so I'm just going to ignore it and live my life."

The technical term is I believe the "bystander" effect. People just expect someone else to do it so no one does it. An example is when someone gets hit by traffic and is lying wounded in the street but no one will stop and help because they all expect someone else to do it. That's what's happening in a nutshell and why so much is wrong in the world.. Most people are saying.. "That's not my fault and not my responsibility so I'm going to keep living my life and not deal with it".

But I think all these major problems are all of our responsibility. I'm just doing my part and unfortunately it's more than my fair share because not enough other people care enough. It is what it is though.. If not enough other people help, all the more reason for me to help even more and up my efforts even more. Maybe some day we can create a better world. Maybe not, but at least some of us will try.

Take it easy

Thanks. Same to you!

"give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"

"Teach too many men how to fish and they will deplete the oceans of fish which are vital to the eco system and they will extinct our entire species."

According to some scientists.. You have till around 2050 and then we all die because fish are VITAL to the eco system and humans can't wean themselves from murdering innocent animals for taste pleasure and expansion of their own domain.

Assuming Bayer/Monsanto, or whatever they are going to be called, doesn't kill all the bees first. Though I'm sure they will have complete control of the worlds' seed bank by then.

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