Some long-assed gobbledy-gook no one wants to hear ........... not !!!! *

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

Hi All ~

This is my introductory post ...............

I have had the very great (mis)fortune of figuring out 'THE ANSWER' - that is the solution to no less than 'life, the universe & every thing' !!!

And its not "42" - close, but not quite !!! Hehehe !!!

I say 'very great misfortune' because if I have found the panacea to all our woes - and I have, and I can prove it - who's going to listen to me ??!!?!?

Not 'Scientific American' !!

But I reckon if anyone will, it will be Steemers. Ra !! Steemers.

Although 'THE ANSWER' is actually quite simple, short & sweet - it's not quantum mechanics, rocket science nor brain surgery as they say - but in explaining it one first has to wade through, & un-do, all of the disinformation we are served up these days under the pretext of educating us. This is what takes most of the time required to unpack & explain it.

Which I'm not going to do in full here .... but I will provide a bit of an introduction in this post, along with a request that, YES, you upvote me big time, & also 'follow' me, if you want more !!

I say 'simple, short & sweet' due to the fact that in great part 'THE ANSWER' rides on an understanding that our Universe is a 'pan-psychic' one, which is to say, one in which some kind & amount of consciousness, or sentience, or psychic power, exists at the heart, core & foundation of all matter. All of it. Every last single, individual bit of it regardless of that particular bits own personal size, shape, composition, location, movement, association with other bits, & however long it lasts. Etc.

In philosophy, panpsychism is the view that consciousness, mind or soul (psyche) is a universal and primordial feature of all things. Panpsychists see themselves as minds in a world of mind.

Panpsychism is one of the oldest philosophical theories, and has been ascribed to philosophers like Thales, Parmenides, Plato, Averroes, Spinoza, Leibniz and William James. Panpsychism can also be seen in ancient philosophies such as Stoicism, Taoism, Vedanta and Mahayana Buddhism. During the 19th century, panpsychism was the default theory in philosophy of mind, but it saw a decline during the middle years of the 20th century with the rise of logical positivism.[1][2] The recent interest in the hard problem of consciousness has revived interest in panpsychism. From Wikipedia.

Understanding a pan-psychic Universe is 'simple' because we bipedal, naked apes are psychic - conscious, sentient - phenomena ourselves, thereby making it perfectly simple & easy to understand everything else that has a core element of consciousness within itself too.

What becomes evident as one journeys down the particular investigative path I have chosen, is that it can be quite readily seen that not only are all of the individual bits of solid matter here in our Universe sentient or conscious to some certain, if only rudimentary degree in many instances, but all are in point of demonstrable fact 'true beings' too - that is to say, entities all of which, as Francis Bacon (1561 - 1627 "father of the scientific method") once said, have "matter, form, dimension, place, resistance, appetite, motion and emanations: which likewise, amid the destruction of all natural bodies, remains unshaken and eternal" .

Thanks, Francis. Amen.

Many pre-industrial peoples believed - & understood - that everything rocks, stones, trees, flowers, rain drops, streams, ponds, lakes, oceans, mountains .. everything, most certainly including all living things !! - were conscious, sentient beings.

So pan-psychism is not new - as many of us know perfectly well !! As many of us enlightened souls also almost accept as a fact !!

The story of how I became able to figure out this particular pan-psychic understanding of 'life, the Universe & everything' begins when I first discovered exactly what 'information' is. That is to say, when I discovered what 'information' is as a phenomenon in & of itself & not just what any of it 'says' or 'means'.

What 'information' IS, & what any of it says or means are two different things !!!

Although at this time here in this introductory blog I will also NOT tell you exactly what 'information' is, nevertheless I will point out that once information's exact ontological identity is properly recognized, no great difficulty attends the task of figuring out the exact identity of all of the directly information-related phenomena such as 'thought', 'mind', 'intelligence' & 'consciousness'. And 'the self' too, to far less than exhaust the list of phenomena this investigative approach helps elucidate.

And once the exact existential identity of all of these directly information-related phenomena are well & properly identified & understood, no great difficulty attends the task of figuring out everything else here in our Universe - 'life, the Universe & everything' !!

Once 'information's' exact existential status is recognized, the process of figuring out all of the directly information-related phenomena, as just listed above, is no more difficult than coming to an understanding of any complex thing - or any machine, instrument or device - once all of its own relevant compositional elementary elements are sufficiently well understood.

Story : Imagine you are a sales person plying your wares to grain farmers in the far distant foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. Among your wares are electric fans, small electric generators as well as some blueprints for homemade water-wheels, these latter being the devices which will be able to turn the little generators.

These grain farmers already winnow their grains with fans, but their fans are hand driven ones.

At least some of the villages you visit have never even heard of electricity, let alone how it can drive electric fans & even less how it can be generated with generators driven by waterwheels.

My point is, that once all of this is explained to the villagers, not only do they come to an easy understanding of what you are there to sell them, but they eagerly pay you in gold & silver jewelry. No wait. You may well have been part of a voluntary UN organisation that just gave them the electric fans, generators & waterwheel plans ....

My point is that it is no more difficult to understand all the the directly information-related phenomena such as thought, mind, intelligence & consciousness once 'information's' exact physical identity is recognised, than it is for grain farmers come to understand electricity, what it can do & how it is generated, once the elements of electricity have been explained - & demonstrated - to them.

Of course one of the principle reasons we don't know what thought, mind, intelligence & consciousness are is because most of us - even 'experts' - believe that 'information' is something like the vast loads of digits we program into our now many & various computing, calculating, recording & communicating devices jamming up our everyday world.

'Information' is NOT digits, & so no understanding of any of the directly information-related phenomena can be achieved by understanding any kind & amount of digits nor any kind, size & variety of digit-using device.

And my collateral contention is this, until we understand all of these directly information-related phenomena, we will not be able to advance any further knowledge of the great & glorious reality in which we live - our stupendously marvelous - & at times totally terrifying - Cosmological home in which we self-consciously aware sentients live & move & have our being.

Although our good mate Francis Bacon didn't exactly believe in pan-psychism, nevertheless modern science even dropped his idea that atoms are 'true beings'. Scientist of his day - as opposed to philosophers - most certainly did not include mental phenomena in their list of matters of interest. Any more than do those of our day !!

A state of affairs very shortly about to change ............

But in abandoning any notion of 'being-ness', post-Bacon science has instead, tried to build an understanding of reality based on the notion that the elementary elements of reality are not only 'infinitely small' but entirely 'featureless' 'indivisible point particles' which particular entities, although they are all in constant motion, perennially jiggling around as only atoms & sub-atomic particles do, they are also quintessentially 'cold, inert, lumpen & hard'. 'Lumpen' means 'stupid' & certainly not 'conscious' or sentient.

The elementary elements of our reality are still considered by contemporary physicists to be not only infinitely small & featureless, cold, lumpen (stupid) & hard, but also inanimate, inert, passive & pawn-like, insensate & amoral. In short, nothing at all like us. That, however slow or speedily each moves, & in what direction each does so move, & at what particular times each does so move, all such perturbations are wholly & solely caused by outside influences ........... According to contemporary science, there is nothing powerful, intelligent or autonomous about the elementary element of our reality. I sometimes say to myself : You can't build anything out of a pile of marbles ????? So why do you try so hard ??!!

But if the elementary elements of our reality are already sentient autonomous powerhouses only very much smaller than we are .... then everything (except all first & final causes - see next paragraph !!) becomes quite easy, simple & clear !!!

Mind you !!! Although this particular line of investigation elucidates 'everything' here inside our Universe, unfortunately - MOST UNFORTUNATELY - it shines no light whatsoever on any of the very biggest mysteries of all such as where, when, how, with what & WHY it all exists in the manner it does - with us cognitively self-consciously aware bipedal apes sitting here inside it rather petulantly wondering about it all !! - nor who or what did so create it (if it was indeed created .) .........

Be that tragedy of ignorance as it may !! one of the incalculable benefits of finding this particular insider-correct (!!) 'ANSWER' which particular benefit becomes evident once one sallies down the 'information' & 'information-related' investigative pathway I hope to shortly lead you all, dear readers, down, is that it enables a full & complete understanding of just exactly what 'morality' is !! Not only just exactly what 'good' & 'evil', 'right' & 'wrong' ARE but also exactly how we humans as fully evolved, cognitively self-consciously aware intelligent sentient life forms, can 'easily' maximize the good in our lives & minimize the bad ..... Indeed, even eliminate pretty much all bad & all evil !! How great is that !!

What becomes eminently possible to recognise down at the end of this particular investigative path is that we humans are not only this Universe's crowning work but we are so because we have been able to evolve all the way up to the point where we could verily indeed live//thrive here on Planet Earth in essentially perfect harmony with all. An absolute (nearly) state of perfect grace.


All of the work the Universe has put into making us humans what we are - what we potentially are - has resulted in making a consciously aware species of sentient beings fully capable of 'living anywhere, at any time, under any circumstances - or relocate, or terra form to suit - and being able to do so, moreover without causing or inflicting any waste, loss or damage on either ourselves or our surrounds, those both animate & inanimate, those both near & far'.

Imagine living - indeed thriving - here on this once glorious Planetary Home of ours with out causing or inflicting any waste, loss or damage on either ourselves or anything else !!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice eh ??!!!??

And the short, simple, sweet & joyous answer as to why we haven't already stepped into this our wondrous heritage, this our certain human destiny, is due to nothing more than a parasite !!

This particular line of investigation quite clearly allows us to understand morality - it allows us to understand 'evil' & parasites are verily indeed one particular instantiation of evil .........

Correct. The only reason we humans are not currently living here on Planet Earth in perfect joy & harmony with each other, internally inside ourselves within our own psyches, & with all the rest of creation near & far, animate & inanimate alike, is because we have become completely overwhelmed by a very simple problem - a parasite. Admittedly, this parasite of which I speak is of a particularly hideous & heinous nature, & it is also very, very wide spread, but still 'just a parasite'.

And it is one of those many phenomena 'hiding in plain sight' - one with which we are engaged in our everyday lives, all the time working, playing, eating & sleeping (without knowing it).

I'll post this now, but I will very shortly post the story of another particularly hideous parasite, which info will especially scare the living beeJesus out of cat owners every where, but which particular nasty little freeloader has come to the attention of an increasing number of qualified health care practitioners as of late. See next post.

The story of this particular cat-owning scarey parasite is simply typical of all parasitism - of an enemy within ......... similar in principle to the thing that has completely overwhelmed us at this particular point in our history - through no fault of our own.. but one we will have to overcome if we - along with all the rest of this Planet - are to survive & thrive once more.

Why I can say that the whole 'ANSWER' even in full, is short, sweet & simple is due to the fact that this particular path of investigation allows us to see that all of the elementary elements of reality are quite literally just smaller, slightly different versions of ourselves as living, breathing (energy recycling), sentient beings. And, therefore, in coming to understand ourselves we can finally & quite easily see that everything around us is, indeed, just mostly smaller versions of ourselves.

And in coming to understand that particular parasite that is causing our present mad, headlong, Gaddarean rush towards the ever-closer impending precipice of omnicidal oblivion, we will be able to avert it - and thrive once more.

Caution : Those of you who have gotten this far still might be saying, Gadzooks !! Surely our scientists know what matter is !! Everyone knows that inanimate matter is 'cold, lumpen, insensate, inert, passive & pawn-like & cold'. Why then, do I, omniscient one, ask you, "Has our scientific community built the biggest & most expensive scientific experiment ever construed, which undertaking openly purports to help figure out that one thing, just exactly what it is that gives solid matter its mass !!!!!??" My question is if they already know they wouldn't have to go to all that bother ???

They don't know, & most certainly won't come to know unless they travel down exactly the investigative path I am herein recommended to you ... & them ....

It is my contention that only by recognizing 'information' to be the particular thing that it is, & then leap-frogging over this particular snippet of knowledge, travel along until coming further additionally to recognizing not just 'information's place here in our Universe but also, of course, the ROLE it fills here too, will we first be able to understand thought, mind & consciousness, & then by easy extrapolation, all the rest of creation too. Including ourselves

Home work : See if you yourself can figure out exactly what 'information' is ?!?!?!?!??

Signed : omniscient one.

P.S. I don't sign myself "Omniscient one" with a big 'O,' as that would imply I knew everything including who or what created it all in the first instance (if there was one) where, when, how, with what &, for heavens sakes WHY !!

But I don't.

As a small 'o' 'omniscient one' I am designating myself as one who knows all there is to know INSIDE our Universe .. but none outside ..hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  • I got the idea for my title off of another Steemer who had the effrontery to call long winded posts in precisely this nomenclature - Thanx Craig !!!!

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