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RE: The Double-Slit Experiment, And The Implications Concerning This Reality

in #philosophy7 years ago

Yeah. I certainly think this is the case as well. We have an auric field which is our own personal magnetic field/TORUS electromagnetic energy field.

If anyone wants to look up the PRIMER FIELDS:

on youtube it pretty much goes along with this as well and shows how because one photon/electron has its magnetic field around ..but then a larger and weaker field further out AROUND that as well. So it is like a bubble within a bubble of fields.

So when shot through the slit. The electron/photon's own OUTER electromagnetic field interferes with the photon/electrons OWN regular closer electromagnetic field thus creating an interference pattern when even only one photon/electron is sent through one slit.

But that still does not explain the difference between an observer being there or not and then getting a different result because of that.

Well like I said and agreeing with [deep1111] here we have a field and our brain/mind has a field too/our consciousness and this it will affect ..ANYTHING, period in this life.

So that is quite striking considering how we live everyday life does not? It also makes one wonder philosophically about how we see and live life does it not. It would mean we affect our and others reality/s experience/s in life simply by our thoughts/mindsets. Positive or negative.

Heavy. right? heh.
